(报告加工时间:2015-11-01 -- 2015-11-30)



  • 中经网行业月度报告-家用电器201506
    2015 年 6 月,家电行业仍处于结构调整和产业升级阶段,销售收入增速保持稳定。高温天气助力制冷类家电产品生产,智能产品快速增长。产品结构升级促家电零售价格指数高位震荡。
  • 中经网行业月度报告-工程机械201505
    1~5 月,受下游房地产和基础设施投资增速继续放缓影响,工程机械行业投资增长动力明显不足,行业投资增速进一步下滑。
  • 中经网行业月度报告-电力设备201504
    1~4 月,电力设备行业固定资产投资增速同比和环比均下滑,但在电源设备需求增长以及高端投资增加的拉动下,仍实现了两位数增长;行业价格竞争激烈,多数产品价格水平延续下跌。
  • 中经网行业月度报告-家用电器201505
    2015年5月,家电行业仍处于结构调整和产业升级阶段,销售收入增速继续小幅回落。而海尔、长虹、海信等家电企业入选2015 年智能制造专项项目,“中国制造2025”带动家电企业向“智能制造”转型。
  • 中经网行业月度报告-家用电器201504
    2015 年4 月,家电行业仍处于结构调整和产业升级阶段,消费升级类与绿色家电快速增长,销售收入增速持续小幅回落。
  • 中经网行业月度报告-家用电器201503
    2015 年3 月,家电行业仍处于结构调整和产业升级阶段,整体销售收入持续低位运行,随着节日效应的减退,行业销售收入增速小幅回落。
  • 中经网行业月度报告-电力设备201506
    上半年,电力设备行业下行压力继续加大,行业增速总体趋缓。具体来看,固定资产投资增速仍延续上月趋势,继续下滑,增速跌破 10%;大部分产品产量下滑,生产形势总体严峻;竞争仍然激烈,多数产品价格继续下跌。
  • 中经网行业月度报告-电力设备201505
    1~5 月,电力设备行业固定资产投资增速仍延续上月趋势,继续下滑,但仍实现了较快增长;行业价格竞争仍然激烈,多数产品价格继续下跌。


  • 全球电炸炉市场报告(2015-2019年)
    The global home appliances market registers healthy growth on account of the growing middle class economy and the improved disposable income levels worldwide. In mature markets such as the US and parts of Europe, the demand for generic home appliances has reached a stable stage and the market for smart white goods is increasing, owing to better awareness about such products and appliances. Consumers are increasingly exploring unique products that were unheard of almost a decade ago. Most of the millennial population across the globe is now updated about appliances that offer better lifestyles. These people usually constitute the quick buyers of the latest appliances.
  • 全球电力清洁机市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Electric power washers offer a perfect solution for everyday cleaning tasks. There is an increase in demand from residential customers for electric power washers to maintain healthy, dense, and high-quality lawns and gardens. Innovations in technology have contributed to people becoming more interested in gardening.

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