(报告加工时间:2017-08-07 -- 2017-08-20)


  • 石化汇编-第818期
  • 石化汇编-第817期
    关于《原油成品油流通管理办法(征求意见稿)》公开征求意见,意见反馈截止日期为 2017 年 8 月 19 日。意见稿提出,国家对原油、成品油经营资格实施许可管理。商务部负责指导地方制定成品油流通行业发展规划,拟定部门规章并组织实施,按照职责依据本办法对全国原油、成品油流通进行监督管理。根据意见稿,申请原油批发、仓储经营资格的企业应具备控股拥有库容不低于 10 万立方米的原油油库,同时申请原油批发及仓储经营资格的企业需控股拥有库容不低于20 万立方米的原油油库等条件。
  • 石化汇编-第816期
    7 月 12 日,国家发展改革委和国家能源局印发《中长期油气管网规划》,《规划》指出,我国单位油气消费和单位国土面积对应的管网里程与发达国家相比,差距较大,原油储备、天然气应急调峰能力不足。同时,东北、西北、西南地区除进口通道外,管道整体偏少,网络化程度低,联络线和区域管网发展较缓。此外,投资主体较少,社会资本进入难度较大,设施各自独立,互联互通需进一步加强,公平准入存在困难,区域垄断特征显现,监管体系不健全。


  • 全球智能油井市场报告(2017-2021年)
    “Smart well” or “Intelligent well” is used to signify that some degree of direct monitoring and remote control equipment is fitted within the oil well. An intelligent well has the following characteristics: It can analyze, collect, and transmit well-bore production and  reservoir and completion integrity data. Such a system also allows operators to control reservoirs, wells, and production processes emotely.In this report, Technavio covers the present scenario and growth prospects of the global smart well market for 2017-2021. Also, the report discusses the major drivers influencing market growth and the challenges faced by vendors and the market. It also examines key emerging trends and their impact on current and future market scenarios.One of the integral components of any market estimate and analysis pertains to the definition of the estimates and the exclusions. The following section of the report enlists certain key estimates which we have considered for arriving at the market trends and certain exclusions which helped demarcate the market contours. The current report covers the present scenario and future growth prospects of the global smart well market for the period 2017-2021.


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