(报告加工时间:2025-02-24 -- 2025-03-02)


  • 全球心肺机市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Heart-lung machines are also known as cardiopulmonary bypass machines. During a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery, the narrowed area or blocked side of the coronary artery is removed and grafted or attached to a blood vessel taken from the chest, leg, or arm. The heart-lung machine supports the patient during the CABG procedure while the heart is temporarily stopped by the physician. CABG is an open-heart surgery that is conducted for 4-6 hours.
  • 全球工业暖通空调市场报告(2025-2029年)
    The ventilation and filtration taking place in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems ensure high air quality and overall thermal balance in industrial premises. These systems use heat exchangers, pumps, and fans to control and regulate humidity and temperature levels. Each industry varies in its heating and cooling needs. In addition, they must maintain a certain level of air quality. These requirements determine the type of industrial HVAC systems to be deployed.
  • 全球移动柴油加热器市场报告(2024-2028年)
    A mobile diesel heater is a type of heating device that uses diesel fuel to produce heat. They are used in a variety of settings, including automotive repair shops and construction sites. They are also used in warehouses and outdoor events. In addition, they are used in camping and other situations where temporary or additional heating is needed.
  • 全球机床市场 - 重点洞察(2024-2029年)
    Global Machine Tools Market - Focused Insights 2024-2029
  • 全球车载起重机市场展望预测(2024-2029年)
    The vehicle-mounted crane market encompasses a range of cranes mounted on vehicles designed to facilitate the transportation and installation of heavy materials across various industries. This type of vehicle-mounted crane includes truck￾mounted cranes, all-terrain cranes, and crawler cranes which are used for applications in mining and oil & gas, construction, logistics and warehousing, and utility and maintenance and other sectors. Vehicle-mounted cranes are characterized by their mobility, allowing easy transport to job sites and the capability to operate in diverse environments. They serve various lifting needs, including heavy construction materials, equipment installation, and maintenance tasks, making them essential for enhancing operational efficiency in industries that require lifting and positioning capabilities.
  • 全球 MLCC 市场规模和份额分析 - 增长趋势和预测(2023-2028年)
    The multi-layer ceramic capacitor (MLCC) market size is estimated at USD 12.41 billion in 2022. It is expected to reach USD 17.44 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 5.72% during the forecast period (2023-2028). The multilayer ceramic capacitor (MLCC) market is growing due to upward demand from the automobile industry, amplifying the adoption of electric-powered vehicles, and the improvement of 5G technology. Multilayer ceramic capacitor (MLCC) is one of the most extensively used passive aspects in communications, consumer electronics, automotive, military, and other industries.
  • 家电行业:如何理解黑电海外成长性?-国投证券
    全球电视行业格局迎来重塑,中系品牌份额提升空间广阔:近 年韩系品牌在全球电视市场份额走弱,海信、TCL 等中国品牌表 现强势。回顾三星成为全球电视龙头的历程,掌握 LCD 面板资源 和坚持高营销投入为重要因素。2022 年后三星、LG 基本退出 LCD 电视面板生产,其 LCD 电视较高的品牌溢价难以支撑。2023 年海 信、TCL 在海外整体电视市场的出货量份额为三星的一半左右, 未来份额提升空间广阔。
  • 全球水过滤器市场展望预测(2024-2029年)
    Water filters are designed to remove impurities such as sediments, taste, odor, bacteria, herbicides, and pesticides from the water to improve its quality for residential applications such as drinking, cooking, bathing, and other appliances. According to World Bank 2023, over two billion people worldwide lack access to safely managed drinking water services.
  • 全球燃气发电机市场报告(2025-2029年)
    The global gas generator market is a part of the global electrical components and equipment market. The global electrical components and equipment market was valued at $2,009.41 billion in 2021 and reached $2,415.67 billion in 2023


  • 多家企业宣布接入DeepSeek,AI赋能下家电智能化进程有望提速
    家电企业积极拥抱 DeepSeek,家电智能化进程有望提速。多个家电头部企业宣布整合 DeepSeek 大模型,有望实现从智能终端交互(如语音意图理解、跨设备协同)到工业效率优化(供应链预测、生产排程)的全链路升级。目前,海信自研的星海大模型已接入 DeepSeek,在智慧生活和智慧城市领域为用户带来全新的智能交互体验,大幅提升了用户智能家居体验;美的旗下美擎集成平台 iPaaS 成功接入 DeepSeek 大模型,此次接入将与现有美擎大模型形成强大协同生态,为企业提供更智能、高效、性价比更高的数智化产品和方案,助力企业高质量发展。短期看接入 AI 的高端产品销售有望带动出货结构提升,长期看积极拥抱 AI 并能够形成技术生态的企业将建立新的护城河。
  • 电力设备新能源行业:人工智能推动算力需求爆发,电力设备迎来成长新赛道-数据中心电力设备专题-国信证券
    人工智能迎来应用拐点,23-28年数据中心新增IT负载CAGR高达24% 算力是数字经济时代的核心生产力,是继热力、电力之后重要的新生产力。2020年以来全球大模型快速发展迭代,以DeepSeek为代表的开源模型大幅降低AI门槛,根据杰文斯悖论推理和应用需求有望出现爆发式增长。2023年全球计 算设备算力总规模达到1397EFops,其中智能算力占比为63%;预计2030年全球算力将超过16ZFlops,2023-2030CAGR达42%,其中智能算力占比超过90%。根据Semi Analysis,2023年全球数据中心IT负载规模约为49GW,预计 2028年达到140GW,23-28年CAGR高达24%;其中,AI负载有望达到80-85GW,五年时间增长约20倍。AI革命背景下,全球主要云服务商资本开支快速放量,美国四大云厂2025年资本开支预计超过3100亿美元,同比增长43%;国 内以字节跳动、阿里、腾讯为代表的头部互联网企业纷纷加大数据中心基建力度。
  • 机械行业:经销商库存显著下降,亚太地区需求边际改善-2024Q4海外工程机械龙头跟踪-长江证券
  • 家电行业:AI赋能与渠道重塑-2025年春季策略-国泰君安
  • 24年电视复盘,Mini LED技术大年——专题研究
    2024 年,中国电视品牌继续强化海外消费者认知、提升全球份额(奥维睿沃,2024Q1-Q3 TCL/海信全球出货量分别同比+10.3%/+4.7%,行业仅+2.2%),我们认为中国电视产品的高质量、创新力正逐步改变海外年轻消费群体对中国家电产品的刻板印象,迭代更快的电视产品有望通过 Mini LED 背光电视,率先突破“性价比”的固有标签,在众多家电品类中脱颖而出。我们认为随着 2025 年面板价格压力缓解叠加国内以旧换新政策驱动产品结构升级,电视板块有望迎来盈利改善周期,建议关注 TCL 电子(全球化积极,Mini LED 领先)、海信视像(高端化突破,全球份额提升)、兆驰股份(垂直整合,成本优势明显)。
  • 人形机器人战略高度和广度提升,L3级自动驾驶商业化推进
    尊界 S800 技术发布会,L3 级自动驾驶的商业化推进。2 月 20 日,华为举办尊界 S800 技术发布会开始,预计 5 月底 正式上市。L3 级自动驾驶的商业化推进亦为鸿蒙智行在 2025 年的重中之重。华为 ADS 目前已经实现全国都能开、有位就能停、端到端类人智驾,为 L3 级自动驾驶的到来做好准备。尊界 S800 传感器方面搭载 4 颗激光雷达,3 颗分布式毫米波雷达,11 颗摄像头,12 颗超声波雷达,2 颗角毫米波雷达,利好华为相关智驾产业链发展。
  • 电力设备行业:关键年份技术与市场的关键抉择-2025年投资策略-华源证券

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