Heart-lung machines are also known as cardiopulmonary bypass machines. During a coronary artery bypass
graft (CABG) surgery, the narrowed area or blocked side of the coronary artery is removed and grafted or
attached to a blood vessel taken from the chest, leg, or arm. The heart-lung machine supports the patient
during the CABG procedure while the heart is temporarily stopped by the physician. CABG is an open-heart
surgery that is conducted for 4-6 hours.
The ventilation and filtration taking place in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems ensure
high air quality and overall thermal balance in industrial premises. These systems use heat exchangers,
pumps, and fans to control and regulate humidity and temperature levels. Each industry varies in its heating
and cooling needs. In addition, they must maintain a certain level of air quality. These requirements determine
the type of industrial HVAC systems to be deployed.
A mobile diesel heater is a type of heating device that uses diesel fuel to produce heat. They
are used in a variety of settings, including automotive repair shops and construction sites. They
are also used in warehouses and outdoor events. In addition, they are used in camping and
other situations where temporary or additional heating is needed.
全球机床市场 - 重点洞察(2024-2029年)
Global Machine Tools Market - Focused Insights 2024-2029
The vehicle-mounted crane market encompasses a range of cranes mounted on
vehicles designed to facilitate the transportation and installation of heavy materials
across various industries. This type of vehicle-mounted crane includes truckmounted cranes, all-terrain cranes, and crawler cranes which are used for
applications in mining and oil & gas, construction, logistics and warehousing, and
utility and maintenance and other sectors. Vehicle-mounted cranes are characterized
by their mobility, allowing easy transport to job sites and the capability to operate in
diverse environments. They serve various lifting needs, including heavy construction
materials, equipment installation, and maintenance tasks, making them essential for
enhancing operational efficiency in industries that require lifting and positioning
全球 MLCC 市场规模和份额分析 - 增长趋势和预测(2023-2028年)
The multi-layer ceramic capacitor (MLCC) market size is estimated at USD 12.41 billion in 2022. It is expected to reach USD 17.44
billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 5.72% during the forecast period (2023-2028). The multilayer ceramic capacitor (MLCC)
market is growing due to upward demand from the automobile industry, amplifying the adoption of electric-powered vehicles, and
the improvement of 5G technology. Multilayer ceramic capacitor (MLCC) is one of the most extensively used passive aspects in
communications, consumer electronics, automotive, military, and other industries.
年韩系品牌在全球电视市场份额走弱,海信、TCL 等中国品牌表
现强势。回顾三星成为全球电视龙头的历程,掌握 LCD 面板资源
和坚持高营销投入为重要因素。2022 年后三星、LG 基本退出 LCD
电视面板生产,其 LCD 电视较高的品牌溢价难以支撑。2023 年海
信、TCL 在海外整体电视市场的出货量份额为三星的一半左右,
Water filters are designed to remove impurities such as sediments, taste, odor,
bacteria, herbicides, and pesticides from the water to improve its quality for
residential applications such as drinking, cooking, bathing, and other appliances.
According to World Bank 2023, over two billion people worldwide lack access to
safely managed drinking water services.
The global gas generator market is a part of the global electrical components and equipment market. The
global electrical components and equipment market was valued at $2,009.41 billion in 2021 and reached
$2,415.67 billion in 2023