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报告分类:外文技术报告 检索词:旅游

  • 1.德国的旅游行为和移动电源

    [水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2015-08-11]

    A reluctance to switch to electric vehicles is observed in various countries despite national efforts to promote them. The question of whether electric cars are capable of meeting daily mobility requirements in Germany is investigated. The analysis is based on data from the German Mobility Panel Survey from 1995 to 2010 and the travel survey of 2009 and 2010 for the Stuttgart, Germany, area and combines a long-term travel behavior analysis with a region-specific verification. The focus is on individuals who exclusively drive a car and walk during the day and who rely on the car as a primary means of transport. For this group, the determinants of the decision to drive an internal combustion engine vehicle versus a battery electric vehicle (BEV) are analyzed, with a focus on driving range and energy costs. Results of the analysis suggest that around 80% of all daily travel by car drivers could be done with currently available models of electric cars and that charging them only at night would be sufficient in most cases. Therefore, the driving range of BEVs cannot be the restricting factor. In contrast, the current cost structure of BEVs (high investment cost, low energy cost) is not favorable for the large share of drivers with low annual mileage because the high investment cost is not compensated for by low operation costs. In the Stuttgart region, drivers from the suburbs would benefit most from such energy cost savings; however, city dwellers would need other cost structures or incentives to switch to BEVs.
  • 2.旅游需求管理政策中减少温室气体排放产生活跃的旅游效益

    [水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2015-08-06]

    There is increasing evidence that improved health outcomes may be a significant co-benefit of land use plans and transport policies that increase active transport (or active travel)--walking, biking or other physical activity for the purpose of transportation--as they reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). A greater understanding of these benefits may broaden the constituency for regional planning that supports local and national GHG reduction goals. In this study, California's activity-based travel demand model (ABM) is applied to (1) demonstrate how this new generation of travel models can be used to produce the active travel data (age and sex distributions) required by comparative risk assessment models to estimate health outcomes for alternative land use and transport plans and to (2) identify the magnitude of change in active travel that may be possible from land use, transit, and vehicle pricing policies for California and its five major regions for a future 2035 time horizon. The results of this study suggest that distance-based vehicle pricing may increase walking by about 10% and biking by about 17%, and concurrently GHG from VMT may be reduced by about 16%. Transit expansion and supportive development patterns may increase active travel by about 2% to 3% for both walk and bike modes while also reducing VMT by about 4% on average. The combination of all three policies may increase time spent walking by about 13% and biking by about 19%, and reduce VMT by about 19%.
  • 3.改善我们对公路拥堵和定价如何影响旅游需求的理解

    [交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2015-07-31]

    Driver response to congestion and road pricing is an essential element to forecasting the future use of roadway systems and estimating the effect that pricing has on demand and route choice. Though many studies have been conducted in the past and revenue studies are routinely done for proposed toll roads, there is still a need for improving the behavioral basis for forecast. The objective of this project was to develop mathematical descriptions of the full range of highway user behavioral responses to congestion, travel time reliability, and pricing. These descriptions were achieved by mining existing data sets. The report estimates a series of nine utility equations, progressively adding variables of interest. This research explores the effect on demand and route choice of demographic characteristics, car occupancy, value of travel time, value of travel time reliability, situational variability, and an observed toll aversion bias. The primary audience for this research is professionals who develop travel demand and traffic forecasts. Policy makers may also have an interest in the behavioral findings that could have policy implications. Equations for commercial drivers were not developed since their routes are normally determined, in part, by contracts and company policies.
  • 4.基于低碳经济的甘肃省旅游业能源消耗与CO2排放量的粗略估计

    [水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2015-07-15]

    This article selects GanSu Province, the weak ecological environment, as the research object.In accordance with the documents research and mathematical statistics, and the "bottom-up" study method., we made an research on energy consumption and the CO2 emission of GanSu province from the tourism travel , tourism accommodation, and tourism activities, respectively.From the result, GanSu's tourism with low-carbon and energy-saving characteristics, accounting for 0.45% energy consumptions and 0.86% CO2 emission in that of the GanSu's tourism.It shows that tourism fits in with the requirements of low-carbon tourism development.However, one of the most important factor in the tourism energy consumption and the CO2 emission is the tourism transportation, accounting for 68.83% energy consumptions and 65.96% CO2 emission in that of tourism respectively, which should be focus on as the key link in low-carbon tourism development.
  • 5.大数据何时才足够大?来自基于GPS的旅游需求分析调查的启示

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2015-04-08]

    We use simulated datasets to compare performance across different sample sizes, inference accuracies and estimation methods. Findings from the simulated datasets are corroborated with real data collected from individuals living in the San Francisco Bay Area, United States. Results indicate that the benefits of using GPS-based surveys will vary significantly, depending upon the sample size of the data, the accuracy of the inference algorithm and the desired complexity of the travel demand model specification. In many cases, gains in the volume of data that can potentially be retrieved using GPS devices may be offset by the loss in quality caused by inaccuracies in inference.
  • 6.旅游相关疾病的监测:美国监测网监测系统1997-2011

    [卫生和社会工作,医药制造业] [2014-12-05]

    In 2012, the number of international tourist arrivals worldwide was projected to reach a new high of 1 billion arrivals, a 48% increase from 674 million arrivals in 2000. International travel also is increasing among U.S. residents. In 2009,U.S. residents made approximately 61 million trips outside the country, a 5% increase from 1999. Travel-related morbidity can occur during or after travel. Worldwide, 8% of travelers from industrialized to developing countries report becoming ill enough to seek health care during or after travel. Travelers have contributed to the global spread of infectious diseases, including novel and emerging pathogens. Therefore, surveillance of travel-related morbidity is an essential component of global public health surveillance and will be of greater importance as international travel increases worldwide.
  • 7.基于旅游的使用汽车买卖的家庭的公共交通模型的家庭内部相互作用

    [交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2014-11-07]

    Intrahousehold interactions in travel are fundamental to an understanding of activity travel behavior, as reflected by the substantial percentage of regional travel that is made jointly. The development of travel demand models that incorporate intrahousehold interactions is crucial to a credible analysis of traveler response to policies. A tour-based modeling framework is used to examine intrahousehold interactions in travel mode choice with a focus on public transport use in households having differences in car availability. An important distinction is made between car-sufficient households (in which there are at least as many cars in the household as license holders) and car-negotiating households (households that have fewer cars than license holders). Intrahousehold interactions and temporal-spatial constraints are explicitly represented by different patterns of joint household tours, with home-based tours as the unit of analysis. The empirical analysis is based on a nested logit model that was developed to integrate intrahousehold interactions with tour-based mode choices; Sydney Household Travel Survey data are used. The results show that joint household travel accounts for more than half of weekday home-based tours in Sydney, Australia. The arrangement of joint household tours is shown to depend on household context, situational factors, and social constraints. Mode choice associated with different joint tour patterns is influenced by household and individual characteristics, tour attributes, and transport-related fringe benefits.
  • 8.合伙用车对旅游行为影响的定性见解

    [住宿和餐饮业,交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2014-11-05]

    Carsharing organizations (carshares) provide collectively available vehicles that can be booked for exclusive use on a pay-as-you-go basis. Previous research has shown that two groups join carshares: (a) acces-sors, who do not have a car when they join the carshare and therefore gain access to one, and (b) shedders, who give up a car when they join the carshare. The paper examines the circumstances and motivations that cause accessors and shedders to join a carshare, the changes in their travel behavior in the short and longer run, and how the travel behavior might have changed if the carshare had not been joined. These objectives were achieved through in-depth interviews with 16 members of a carshare in Bath, United Kingdom. The interviewed members were selected to achieve a mix of accessors, shedders, recent members, and longstanding members. It was found that carshare attracted people who were already contemplating giving up their cars or who had been triggered by life events to consider giving up their cars. Joining a car-share prevented the acquisition of cars for some members, but some subsequently took opportunities to acquire a car as their circumstances changed. Once shedders became members, they adapted to managing without a personal car, used a variety of transport modes, planned their activity-travel schedules in advance, and took into account the costs and convenience of different options. The increasing popularity of new mobility options, such as carsharing, also has implications for the methods used to analyze and model travel behavior. The option of joining a carshare and using carshare vehicles should be included in transport models for areas in which carshares operate.
  • 9.2013年合伙用车、需求管理和停车——交通研究记录

    [交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2014-11-05]

    This document contains 10 papers that address parking patrol surveys; smart parking systems; parking at sporting event stadiums; parking utilization in neighborhood shopping centers on transit routes; and cost-effectiveness of traffic and demand management measures. This TRR also examines dynamic ridesharing systems; dynamic vehicle allocation for carsharing systems; travel behavior of carsharing members; residential on-site carsharing and off-street parking in the San Francisco Bay Area; and the effect of carshares on travel behavior.
  • 10.基于低碳的能源消费的粗略估计与甘肃省旅游CO2排放

    [水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2014-09-05]

    Low-carbon tourism is proposed as a new pattern to develop the global low-carbon economy, which goes with the tide in the global climate of change.Because tourism industry has a so close association with another industries that almost every link of tourism activities could be related to energy consumption and CO2 emission.So, energy conservation and emission reduction constitute an important part of developing low-carbon tourism.This article selects GanSu Province, the weak ecological environment, as the research object.In accordance with the documents research and mathematical statistics, and the "bottom-up" study method., we made an research on energy consumption and the CO2 emission of GanSu province from the tourism travel , tourism accommodation, and tourism activities, respectively.From the result, GanSu's tourism with low-carbon and energy-saving characteristics, accounting for 0.45% energy consumptions and 0.86% CO2 emission in that of the GanSu's tourism.It shows that tourism fits in with the requirements of low-carbon tourism development.However, one of the most important factor in the tourism energy consumption and the CO2 emission is the tourism transportation, accounting for 68.83% energy consumptions and 65.96% CO2 emission in that of tourism respectively, which should be focus on as the key link in low-carbon tourism development.
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