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  • 1.化工专题:景气与估值有何关系?

    [化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2024-04-03]


  • 2.供给改善叠加补库周期,蛋氨酸价格中枢有望上移——蛋氨酸系列报告之一

    [化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2024-04-03]

    蛋氨酸供需格局逐渐再平衡,价格中枢逐步上行。蛋氨酸行业门槛高,全球来看长期维持寡头集中的供给格局,2021 年开始中国作为进口依赖度高、需求增长快的蓝海市场,全球产能格局不断倾向国内。整体看全球蛋氨酸供需格局,经历了从供需紧平衡到全球企业扩产带来的结构性供给过剩,由于国内企业成本优势带来海外产能出清,目前蛋氨酸市场逐步进入供需再平衡阶段。在供给端格局调 整阶段,蛋氨酸的价格也经历了大幅波动,目前经历供需再平衡后,蛋氨酸价格中枢也有望从底部区间逐步上行。

  • 3.OLED下游需求持续增长,终端材料逐步实现进口替代

    [化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2024-04-03]

    OLED 面板应用领域逐步拓展,市场规模持续增长。OLED 主要终端应用领域为手机和电视产品,智能可穿戴领域等新兴市场将推动 OLED 市场规模增长,根据 维信诺发行股份及支付现金购买资产并募集配套资金暨关联交易报告书(草案)(修订稿)援引 Omdia 数据,2021 年全球 AMOLED 显示面板销售额为 420 亿美元,预计 2025 年可达到 547 亿美元,年复合增长率达到 6.8%。

    关键词:OLED;OLED 材料产业链;奥来德
  • 4.向上游去——暨新疆煤化工发展前景分析

    [化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2024-04-02]

    在我们华创能源化工团队的 2023 年中策略和 2024 年度策略报告提到,从周期嵌套的角度,化工行业面临产业周期和产能周期向下的压制,资产回报率受到压缩。想要维持较好的 ROE,化工企业从中长期来看需要做出三个努力:向上游走,布局资源一体化;向海外走,通过全球化布局降低交易成本;向深处走,提高产品附加值(技术/品牌)。本文是我们向上游部分的第一篇,主要阐述新疆作为煤炭保供基地发展煤化工的优势,是现代煤化工的掘金地。

  • 5.全球聚DADMAC市场报告(2024-2028年)

    [化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2024-03-30]

    PolyDADMAC stands for poly-diallyl dimethylammonium chloride. It is widely used in water and wastewater treatment and is sold as a liquid concentrate, with solids composing 10%-50%. This chemical works effectively as a primary coagulant and charge-neutralization agent. PolyDADMAC is also used in the papermaking process to control any disturbing substances while providing superior fixing of the pitch from mechanical pulp and of latex from coated broke.

  • 6.全球家庭护理成分市场报告(2023-2028 年)

    [化学原料和化学制品制造业,医药制造业] [2024-03-29]

     Consumer awareness is also growing every year, which is why manufacturers are focusing on elevating the quality of cleaning products with the best possible environmental conditions. Today's consumer is not just concerned about maintaining hygiene or cleanliness at a personal level but is also keen on reducing the chances of infections in his/her surroundings. So, to fulfill the hygiene needs at home as well as at commercial places, different ingredients are used in cleaning products

  • 7.全球家庭护理成分市场报告(2023-2028 年)

    [医药制造业,化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2024-03-29]

     Consumer awareness is also growing every year, which is why manufacturers are focusing on elevating the quality of cleaning products with the best possible environmental conditions. Today's consumer is not just concerned about maintaining hygiene or cleanliness at a personal level but is also keen on reducing the chances of infections in his/her surroundings. So, to fulfill the hygiene needs at home as well as at commercial places, different ingredients are used in cleaning products

  • 8.全球热致变色涂料市场报告(2024-2028年)

    [化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2024-03-28]

    Thermochromic paints are permanent change inks that are high temperature activated, permanent change pigment used for quality purposes in manufacturing processes such as metalworking, annealing, welding, and riveting for quality purposes where color former and color developer are intimately mixed. It has several practical uses, such as alerting someone to a potentially hot surface using thermochromic paint, which is not only extremely practical but helps to avoid serious injuries. The ability of thermochromic paints to make instantly aware of the temperature is extremely useful. It can also be used as an option to use special paints on road signs to alert drivers to specific temperatures such as freezing.

  • 9.全球泡沫玻璃市场报告(2024-2028年)

    [化学原料和化学制品制造业,化学纤维制造业] [2024-03-26]

    Cellular glass is a lightweight and rigid insulating material made primarily from recycled glass. It is produced in the form of rigid boards, blocks, or granules, and it is widely used primarily for its excellent thermal insulating properties and resistance to moisture and fire.

  • 10.全球骨空隙填充剂市场(2023-2031年)

    [医药制造业,化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2024-03-26]

    Nearly 10 million individuals above the age of 50 suffer from hip, spine, or wrist fractures at some point in life. An additional 33.6 million individuals develop low bone mass and are at risk of osteoporosis. The growing number of complications related to bone-associated disorders such as fractures, traumas, bone infections, and bone tumors has led to the increasing demand for bone void fillers. The bone void fillers have become an indispensable tool for surgeons to manage and treat bone disorders. With the growing prevalence of bone-related diseases and accidents, many leading companies are introducing innovative solutions to provide patients with highquality bone void fillers to achieve the best outcomes. Bone grafting is one of the effective applications for dental implants and has widespread use globally. These grafts act as a mineral reservoir in dental implants and are of the following types- autografts, allografts, xenografts, alloplasts. Medical tourism is expected to rise exponentially in the next decade. The increasing specialized hospitals in countries like Singapore, India, China, and Japan have majorly contributed to providing treatment at a reasonable cost, making the patients travel across the borders to get their treatment done at affordable prices.

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