(报告加工时间:2016-12-26 -- 2017-02-05)


  • 全球高等教育积极学习平台市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Educational technology is a means to enrich the learning experience. To that end, digital classrooms make use of advanced technological learning aids (such as interactive whiteboards and 3D printing) to boost student interactivity and to enhance knowledge retention. As a result, educational institutions have increased their budgets to include more collaboration, assessment, and enterprise resource planning systems in their delivery methods. Standardization of curricula across regions along with increased Internet and broadband penetration are also propelling market growth. Many educational technology vendors have emerged to bolster the teaching and learning experience through their hardware and software solutions. We note that companies in this market have overcome complex regulatory hurdles (across geographies) to expand their market shares.
  • 全球高等教育云计算市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Cloud computing is the use of computing resources where systems are connected by public or private networks to offer scalable infrastructure for applications and file storage. It offers a pool of resources that includes data storage, specified applications, and networks and computer processing power. Across regions, governments and private organizations are accelerating education digitization through various monetary and non-monetary initiatives. In an attempt to ensure equality in education and improve the quality of learning content, educational institutions have begun to implement services such as cloud computing and LMS. Within the education ecosystem, cloud computing helps students, faculty, and education organizations to use software and hardware managed by third-party service providers. Cloud computing can play a significant role in improving the quality of delivering higher education without compromising on the regulated and restricted learning environment.
  • 美国教育部门的视觉分析市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Visual analytics is an emerging field of analytics that involves the use of visualization, data mining, and statistics to handle massive volumes of data. This is done with the help of human judgement by means of visual representations and interaction techniques. In visual analytics, instead of limiting the analysis to predefined metrics to examine data and study relations between parameters, data analysts are increasingly incorporating analytical reasoning and advanced computation with data visualization. business intelligence tools employ data in tabular forms. Whereas, visual analytics applies tools and practices, which make it easier for non-technical users to interact with the data through visual representations. It enables users to engage in analytical processes through visual representations, which are supported by computer graphics engines with integrated in-memory storage of data. This process facilitates rapid updates of multiple visualizations.


  • 教育行业:VIPKID月收入过亿元,少儿英语在线教育市场趋势渐起
  • 教育行业:立足供需,关注增量,教育产业逻辑拆分-深度分析
    需求持续释放奠定行业长期增长基础。教育行业细分领域多,各类教育机构作为内容生产商居于产业链核心。据德勤估算,教育核心产业2015 年市场规模达1.64 亿元,预计2020 年将扩大至2.92 亿元,CAGR12.2%,其中民办幼儿园、K12 培训、职业培训等民办机构占主导的领域增速较快,民办教育市场空间持续打开。教育行业的成长逻辑清晰,当前主要处于需求拉动供给的阶段。需求端,升学就业压力促使教育刚需持续释放,同时叠加消费升级,构成行业增长的核心驱动力;供给端,优质资源始终稀缺,前政策、资本、技术三重因素为供给增加带来强劲催化,行业集中度和证券化程度尚低提供行业整合的广阔空间。
  • 传媒行业:教育转型依然火热,关注优质低估值个股-周报(2016.12.12-20...
    国务院取消影视演员资格证,打破传统思维不再“纸上谈兵”;行业协会打击电视剧收视率造假:制片方购买收视率每集达 50 万;文化部:网络直播平台须有许可证 主播要实名;视频行业BAT份额超过50%; 三部委下发广电系整合意见关注其投资受益方;多层资本市场文化板块扩大,1400 家文化企业发力股权融资; 工夫、华谊、网易影业联手《阴阳师》将拍影视剧;广电总局:微博微信等社交应用传播视听节目应取得许可证;梦想直播与掌阅科技达成战略合作将在明年共同孵化百部优质 IP。
  • 教育行业:K12培训新赛道,机器人教育迎来风口-机器人培训行业调研报告
    1、STEAM 教育来源于美国。美国率先提出STEAM 教育理念,近年来不断出政策支持STEAM 教育推广,STEAM 教育得到广泛认可。2、STEAM 教育落地中国,前景光明。2015 年以来,我国政府相继出台文件,支持STEAM 教育发展,政策暖风频吹。
  • 教育行业:国务院文件和教育部细则正式发布,非学历培训类民办学校有望率先受益

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