(报告加工时间:2020-03-17 -- 2020-03-22)



  • 中国互联网教育行业总结和新风向洞察2020
  • 中国互联网漫画市场年度分析2020
    二次元文化在中国市场上经历了规模性爆发式增长,随着年轻一代消费用户的成长,动漫等相关产业影响力也获得不断提升。 “十三五”规划中对于动漫相关产业发展的规划鼓励,显示出其已成为未来中国市场重要的文化产业之一。随着一批互联网平台及企业的快速发展,以及多边政策的优化扶持,互联网漫画市场拥有较大的市场空间。


  • 全球风险分析市场报告(2019-2026年)
    Risk analytics is the type of software used by organization to efficiently and effectively manage different types of risks. This software is known for its different capabilities such as identifying as well as managing different types of risk and for taking measures to avoid potential crisis. Rise in various cyber-attacks, fraudulent attacks, and data theft on different businesses due to the ongoing trend of digitization are the major factors that drive the growth of the risk analytics market. In addition, increase in the number of security breaches and cyber- attacks on financial institution fuel the growth of the market. Furthermore, the adoption of AI-based risk analytics in different financial institution provides a lucrative opportunity for the market. This report features information on risk analytics offered by key vendors. Furthermore, it highlights the strategies of key players to improve the market share and sustain competition.
  • 全球康复机器人市场-增长,趋势和预测(2020-2025年)
    The past two decades have witnessed rapid technological advancements and development of robots for rehabilitation applications, such as in sensorimotor deficits resulting after damage to the central nervous system. The increasing cases of these types of problems across the world have led to the development of innovative rehabilitation robots coupled with advanced interaction controls and the usage of integrated sensors to constantly monitor and adapt the support to the actual state of patients. These rehabilitation robots are helping patient's recovery by assisting and encouraging upright walking and by relearning of lost functions for patients affected by stroke and paralyses. According to a study by Maxon Motor AG, the company estimated that approximately 185 million people use a wheelchair daily, worldwide. Since the advent of first clinical studies with the MIT-Manus robot, robotic applications have been increasingly used to restore loss of motor function, mainly in stroke survivors suffering from an upper limb paresis but also in cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, and other disease types. Thus, numerous studies suggested that robot-assisted training, integrated into a multidisciplinary program, resulted in an additional reduction of motor impairments in comparison to usual care alone in different stages of stroke recovery.


  • 通信行业:通信全球产业链研究专题-专题报告
  • 传媒互联网行业:把握调整中的布局机会,优选内容及MCN-投资策略
    从业绩预告/快报来看, 60%以上上市公司业绩实现较大幅度增长;半数以上公司Q4 单季度业绩增速好于全年。版块上来看,游戏板块在业绩基数较高的基础上继续保持较高增速,部分营销服务公司在大规模计提商誉后增速显著向上。业绩大幅下滑/亏损的公司主要集中于影视及营销服务版块;原因主要商誉及应收账款、存货风险的集中释放,而在相关风险充分释放后,2020 年全行业有望迎来业绩周期反转可能。
  • 通信行业:一文看懂通信新基建-新基建系列报告之十一
    2019年,我们共发布了10 篇新基建系列深度报告 ,涉及5G网络、5G应用、边缘计算、物联网、云计算、卫星通信导航遥感、网络可视化、网络设备自主创新之核心芯片等。
  • 通信行业:“新基建加速,5G、IDC、物联网明显受益-深度研究
    中央5 次会议要求出台新型基础设施投资支持政策,改造提升传统产业,培育壮大新兴产业,加快5G 网络、数据中心、工业互联网等新型基础设施建设进度,作为逆周期调节手段“新基建”相关产业链将长期受益。
  • 通信行业:新基建成经济复苏驱动力,运营商开始大规模设备招标集采-月报
    行业市场回顾:2020 年2 月,通信(中信)板块指数同比上涨9.01%,跑赢同期沪深300 指数(-2.66%),跑赢同期沪深300 指数(-1.59%),中小板指数(3.07%)和创业板指数(7.46%)。通信板块在30 个中信一级行业中排名第3 位,较上月上升4 名,整体表现良好。2月份通信板块热点主要集中在5G 新基建板块,虽短期内5G 基建受疫情影响进度暂缓,但不改长期5G 相关产业链向好逻辑。9 个中信通信行业子板块2 月份普遍上涨,只有其他通信设备板块下跌,其中系统设备、增值服务、通信终端及配件板块表现较好,涨幅均逾10%,网络接配及塔设涨幅9.89%。
  • 通信行业:电力基础设施,筑牢“新基建“底盘-电源深度报告之一
    在数据中心电源领域, HVDC 供电系统由于其建设和运营成本更低的特点在超大型数据中心中应用更为广泛。相关受益标的国内HVDC 龙头中恒电气,以及国内≥20KVA UPS 市场龙头科华恒盛。
  • 物流行业:疫情影响降低,市场集中度创新高-1-2月份快递数据点评
    国家邮政局公布2020 年2 月快递行业运行情况,2 月份,全国快递服务企业业务量完成27.7 亿件,同比增长0.2%,业务收入完成364.4 亿元,同比增长4.1%;2020 年1-2 月全行业完成业务量65.5亿件,同比下降10.1%,业务收入864.9 亿元,同比下降8.7%。

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