(报告加工时间:2016-03-17 -- 2016-05-18)



  • 社会服务行业:清明假期全国客运量增长明显,短途出境及周边游受青睐
    铁路运输方面:从中国铁路总公司的数据来看,在 1 日至 4 日清明小长假期间,全国铁路共发送旅客 4127 万人次,同比增加 474.8 万人次,增长 13%;客流最高峰出现在 2 日,旅客发送量达 1162.3 万人次,同比增长 11.1%。
  • 国防军工行业:习近平参加核安全峰会,军工行业法规制度建设加速-周报
    习近平赴美参加第四届核安全峰会并发表重要讲话, 中国将构建核安全能力建设网络,推广减少高浓铀合作模式,实施加强放射源安全行动计划,推广国家核电安全监管体系。 我们认为,我国在核能利用方面已经达到或接近世界先进水平,利用核安全峰会与世界进行交流,将显著推动我国核电“走出去”战略。
  • 社会服务行业:年报季报发布季,追求“小确幸
    3 月指数稳中有升、估值在相对高位:①3 月国君餐饮旅游指数上涨13.2%,相对沪深 300 收益率+1.36%,排 21/28。截至 2016 年 3 月 31日收盘,行业整体估值为 60.9x,高于历史平均值 46.3x;相对全部 A股估值溢价 2.09,略高于历史平均估值溢价(2.0)。我们主要跟踪的29 家公司 2015/16 年整体动态 PE 为 51.8/38.9 倍。②各子板块估值水平都在历史平均之上,估值相对较高的景区、酒店和餐饮板块跑赢行业指数。③未停牌股票中,大连圣亚、西安饮食、宋城演艺等跑赢板块;桂林旅游、长白山、全聚德等跑输板块。
  • 体检行业:连锁化和多元化加速
    专业健康体检是朝阳产业,未来将保持 25%的速度增长:目前欧美等发达国家的健康体检已经发展的比较成熟,国内起步较晚,但发展迅速;随着我国人民消费水平的提高、健康意识的增强和相关政策的支持,为健康服务市场打开了巨大的市场增长空间;2014 年健康检查市场总量为 3.73 亿人次,较2009 年增长了 62.2%,六年内的复合增长率达到 10.2%;其中专业体检健康市场预计到 2020 年达到 520 亿,2016-2020 复合增长率为 25%,增长一部分来自于自然增长,另一部分来自医院等医疗机构的转移。
  • 社会服务行业:线上线下旅游企业争夺上海迪士尼
    本周上证综指收于 3009.53 点,较上周上涨+1.01%,深证成指收于 10379.65 点,较上周上涨+0.39%,沪深 300 指数较上周上涨+0.75%。沪市单周成交金额、深市单周成交金额、沪股通单周累计余额、两市融资余额(截止 3 月 31 日)分别为 11381.00 亿元、19342.21 亿元、 477.70 亿元、8786.26 亿元,环比下跌-20.07%、下跌-12.02%、下跌-6.19%、上涨+0.66%。社会服务行业周涨幅+0.31%,社服行业周成交量 285.00 亿元,环比下跌-2.49%。本周沪深两市微幅上涨,成交金额较上周出现大幅下降(近四周第一次出现环比下跌),两市融资余额环比并未继续表现表现低迷(连续三周双向浮动幅度均未超过 1%),说明现阶段的资金参与方式仍旧是以快进快出为主,风险偏好资金并没有成规模成趋势的回归,虽然境内资金做多情绪虽在美联储 3 月加息会议后连续较大幅度提升,但也是稳中偏谨慎。表市场活跃度的中小创市场本周均大幅上涨,创业板指较上周下跌 0.48%,中小板指下跌 0.20%,赚钱效应较上周并未继续升温。沪股通(北向)余额相比较上周继续维持净流入(本周再次出现加速流入),参与程度从年后到现在呈现出持续积极状态,本周资金净流入 172.3 亿,环比+22.3%(上周 140.78 亿),但我们认为原因仍旧是相对化的而非绝对,也就是说现阶段外围投资者对于 A 股的认可是高于其它外围股市的。最新观点:风险偏好资金按兵不动,近期主旋律仍旧是场内资金间的博弈。国内方面,一季度 PMI 达 53.6%,超预期回暖,一月惊人的信贷体量开始发挥作用。上海深圳陆续推出楼市调控政策,楼市资金能否流向资本市场有待跟踪。战兴板的搁浅与注册制的推迟,以及近期证金公司上调转融资业务费率等举措为股市注入稳定向好情绪。两会和美联储仪息会议后,政策氛围属于偏暖期。供给侧改革被多次提及,对各种所有制企业的发展给予大量政策支持,将为国内企业未来发展提供持续动力。市场情绪在经历了开年这两个月的洗礼后进入阶段稳定期,做多情绪继续好转中,升级版新策利好频频被提出,可以说,内部时局稳定,“十三五”正式起航。再来看外围事件,4 月 27 日的议息会议成为下一个关注时点。美联储宣布 3 月暂不加息,并下调年内的加息预期次数(从 4 次降为 2 次),美联储偏鸽派的言论消除了人民币阶段贬值压力(仅从外因角度,人民币汇率稳定最主要的支撑还是我们自己国家的经济状况)在美元随即下跌,美股出现反弹。朝鲜半岛局势仍需要继续跟踪,针对该事件,中方近期已充分表达其态度,但各方不受控的因素仍旧比较多,也成为了 A 股今年是否可以走出阶段趋势的一个重要外因,需要持续关注其动向。综合来看 A 股整体投资氛围从节前开始进入好转期,目前进入政策偏暖的阶段做多期,后续是否可以走出趋势性的行情,仍需跟踪关注国内外重大事件进程。国内流动性方面,央行继续保持稳健风格,合理运用多种流动性管控手段,对流动性的介入模式变成了现在的“实时模式”,我们认为也大可不必担心大面积的流动性危机问题,“松弛有道”是主旋律。随着新任证监会主席刘士余的上任,资本市场将迎来更多新的展望,我们拭目以待。2015 全年总结回顾及 2016 全年展望:2015 年全年以上涨收官,沪指涨+9.41%,深成指涨+14.98%,创业板指涨+84.81%。2016 年观点上我们继续坚持趋势性的机会并未出现,不宜盲目乐观,原因增量资金未有成规模入市迹象,但结构性行情应当不会缺席,如不出现明显的风格切换,预计宽幅震荡行情将贯穿全年(就像过去的 2015 一样,会创出阶段高点,但全年收在最高点的可能性较小)。
  • ZTBGXXWL-2016赛迪经济评论第3期-2015年中国智慧城市发展回顾与展望-信息网络(201603)


  • 全球互联网物联网安防市场报告(2016-2020年)
    IoT is the communication between connected devices within a network. Data transmission takes place between smart devices, such as thermostats and sensors, which can be further connected to an individual’s mobile devices. IoT works efficiently due to the interconnection between embedded hardware devices, communication services, software, and IT services. It helps in efficient remote monitoring and management of numerous interconnected devices. IoT also enables the creation of smart homes, smart shopping, smart transportation, and smart healthcare.
  • 美国联邦网络安全市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Cyber security solutions enable the US federal government to maintain its data confidentiality by monitoring, detecting, reporting, and countering cyber threats. With the use of wireless networks for the mobile devices of US federal government employees, the IT systems have become vulnerable to cyber attacks. The adoption of cloud-based services by the US federal government and emergence of IoT have further increased the vulnerability of these IT systems. So, with the growing penetration of the internet in US federal government organizations, the adoption of cyber security solutions will grow.
  • 全球海军雷达系统市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The components of a radar include transmitters, duplexers, receivers, radar antennae, and indicators. It is used in detecting aircraft, spacecraft, ships, guided missiles, weather formations, motor vehicles, and terrain. It emits radio waves to track and determine the velocity, range, and angle of other objects. A radar system can transmit microwaves simultaneously in all directions and thus, determines the properties of flying objects within their range.
  • 全球定向能武器市场报告(2016-2020年)
    A directed-energy weapon (DEW) is the future weapon system that emits highly focused energy for target destruction. The potential applications of this advanced technology include anti-personnel weapon systems, missile defense system, and the disabling of lightly armored vehicles. The use of DEW systems is much more costeffective than the massive cost associated with a single missile launch. With fast-track innovations in the military technology, such weapons are tools for future warfare.
  • 全球互联家庭安全系统市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Connected home security solutions include night-vision 3D video cameras, electronic locks, motion sensors, burglar alarms, and monitoring devices. Home-integrated networks play a vital role in effective functionality of these security systems. Connected home security market innovations such as decreased hardware prices, advances in wireless standards, smartphone penetration, improved bandwidth, and well-positioned apps for accessing home systems are fueling the growth of this market. Vendors are expanding their distribution channels and R&D expenditure to improve their product offerings and leverage on the trend of home automation to provide homeowners with enhanced security.
  • 全球军用机器人市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Military robots are autonomous or remote-controlled mobile machines designed for military applications. Some of them are currently in use and many are in their development phase. They have a number of advantages, the major one being their capability to perform hazardous tasks; thus, avoiding casualties. Globally, 87 countries have developed military robots and deployed them in the battlefield. With technological advancements and upgrades, they would become more reliable and efficient. Growing extremist and encroachment activities have resulted in increasing investments by several governments and defense authorities to procure and develop military robots to compensate for the military downsizing.

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