(报告加工时间:2020-09-07 -- 2020-09-27)


  • 全球石墨市场报告(2019-2027年)
    Graphite is a mineral of carbon used in the various applications such as electrical vehicle, refractories, foundry, lubricating agent, construction applications, and others. The increasing use of graphite in the above-mentioned industries is owing to its several advantages such as reduces wear, easy to machine, thermal shock resistant, high metal removal rate, and others. Graphite is a non-metal but possess metallic properties such as high stiffness, strength, good conductor of electricity & heat, and others. There are two different forms of graphite, which include natural graphite and synthetic graphite. The global graphite market is segmented on the basis of type, application, and region. Depending on type, the market is bifurcated into natural graphite and synthetic graphite. The natural graphite segment is further subcategorized into flake graphite, amorphous graphite, and vein graphite. The synthetic graphite segment is further classified into graphite electrode, graphite block, carbon fiber, graphite powder, and others. Based on the application, the global graphite market is segmented into lubrication, refractories, foundry, battery production, and others. Region wise, the market is analyzed across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.


  • 石油石化和他:PB估值较低,建议关注油服及PDH板块
    截止2020 年9 月3 日,布伦特原油期货结算价为44.07 美元/桶,WTI 原油期货结算价为44.37 美元/桶。2020 年受疫情影响及供给过剩,油价大幅下跌。展望后市,我们判断国际油价在需求回暖、协议减产等背景下全年有望保持中位运行,预计布伦特中枢在40 美元/桶左右。
  • 石油石化行业:游戏规则变革者-原油直接制化学品(COTC)
  • 石油化工行业:半年报深度剖析民营大炼化盈利能力-大炼化行业专题
  • 石油化工行业:油价保持稳定,石化品弱复苏-月度报告
    8 月份,在货币宽松的大背景下,全球市场持续上涨。A 股在经历了7月份的大涨以后,在高位震荡调整。上证综指上涨2.59%,深成指上涨0.88%,创业板指下跌2.40%。
  • 石化行业:景气不断回升,看好具备一体化产业链优势头部企业-2020年中报综述
    2020H1 行业业绩回顾:受疫情油价双重影响业绩下滑明显。上半年石油石化行业实现营收23716.37 亿元,同比下滑23.65%,归母净利润亏损380.13 亿元,同比下滑150.21%。业绩增速大幅下降主要系国际油价大幅波动及受新冠肺炎疫情的严重影响所致。行业销售毛利率下滑9.16pct 至15.66%,净利率下滑138.82pct 至-1.18%。净资产收益率为-1.67%,同比下滑150.91%。

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