(报告加工时间:2022-08-15 -- 2022-08-28)



  • 全球海水淡化市场展望预测报告(2021-2026年)
    Desalination is a procedure that helps in separating dissolved salts and other minerals from seawater, brackish water, and groundwater & surface water. It is deemed as an alternative sustainable supply of freshwater with the requisite quality and quantity. The key advantage of desalination is that it can provide high-quality drinking water for consumption in areas of water scarcity. Desalination addresses diminishing freshwater supplies as the countries are looking for solutions to deal with water scarcity caused by climate change, industrial development, pollution, and population growth. Innovations in technology have improved energy efficiency, where larger economies of scale have also aided in reducing costs, thereby assisting in the growth of the overall water desalination market.
  • 全球超纯水市场展望预测报告(2021-2026年)
    Ultrapure water (UPW) is a highly purified water that has been purified to uncommonly stringent specifications. It is used as a cleaning agent in semiconductor plants. Therefore, the most important factor is that the water is treated to the highest levels of purity for all contaminants. The water should not contain any dissolved impurities that might settle on circuits, thereby leading to the failure of microchips. Hence, the growing applications in the semiconductor industry, especially in APAC and North America, are expected to accelerate the demand for ultrapure water during the forecast period.


  • ESG视角下能源企业的发展现状-宏观研究
    近年来主动进行ESG 信息披露的A 股上市公司数量逐年增加。证券时报— 中国资本市场研究院统计的数据显示,沪深两市共有超1100 家A 股公司发 布了2020 年ESG 报告,发布报告的公司数量占比近27%。头部大型上市 公司ESG 信息披露质量较高,示范效应比较明显。尽管主动公开披露ESG 信息的上市公司在快速增加,企业落实ESG 的意识在增强,但整体占比依 旧不高。

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