(报告加工时间:2020-09-21 -- 2020-09-27)



  • 全球机场人行道系统市场报告(2020-2027年)
    This report covers the study of the global airport moving walkway systems market. Comprehensive analyses of the market trends, future estimations, and thorough study of the market on the basis of business type, type, angle, and region are included in this report. Airport moving walkway systems report specifies the market of moving walkway systems especially for airports and its detailed revenue generation by its various segments. Airport moving walkway systems include moving walkways of different types depending on their types and angle of installation. Moving walkway systems are used to move people and their luggage from one place to another within the airport. Further, the report highlights the regional trends, and the regional coverage of this market across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA (Latin America, Middle East, and Africa). It further provides insights on the drivers, restraints, and opportunities to understand the dynamics and potential of the airport moving walkway systems market.
  • 全球高级IC基板市场-增长,趋势,预测(2020-2025年)
    IC packaging provides the physical/mechanical support for the device and is also responsible for the interconnection between the chip and external terminal, such as the printed circuit board (PCB). The encapsulation helps in the prevention of physical damage and corrosion of the metallic parts; the type of package used in manufacturing IC depends on various parameters, such as power dissipation, size, cost, and other requirements. The increasing trend of miniaturization is driving the demand for advanced packaging. The advent of 5G, which influenced the demand during 2018, is expected to be continued, as the use of FCBGA in 5G base stations and HPCs is increasing in countries that adopt the communication technology, worldwide. FCCSP holds a prominent demand share, which is driven by smartphones, wearables, and other consumer electronics. Over the coming years, the demand for advanced IC substrate is expected to increase even further due to growth in the global demand for 5G enabled smartphones and smart wearables. Due to the 2018's shortage of substrate, which was driven by the demand from 5G vendors, fabless manufacturers are pushing substrate manufacturers for capacity and are partnering with increasing number of suppliers to cover their requirements.
  • 全球智能虚拟助手市场报告(2020-2027年)
    An intelligent virtual assistant (IVA) is a software that is developed on artificial intelligence system. It stimulates or provides responses as similar to human interactions and perform particular tasks such as customer service. Virtual assistants are widely being adopted across industry verticals due to machine learning, deep neural networks, and other advancements in artificial intelligence technologies. The intelligence technology integrated into these systems indicates the capacity for understanding, reasoning, and learning. These three are primary key elements that emulate a customer service agent’s ability to response to queries. IVA systems use various interaction methods, which include text-to-text, speech-to-text, text-to-speech, and speech-to-speech, among others to assist users in executing their respective tasks. The global intelligent virtual assistant market has exhibited notable growth in the recent past. However, it is poised to demonstrate an even more robust growth trend during the forecast period. The report focuses on the growth prospects, restraints, and market analysis. The study provides Porter’s five forces analysis of the intelligent virtual assistant industry to understand the impact of various factors such as bargaining power of suppliers, competitive intensity of competitors, threat of new entrants, threat of substitutes, and bargaining power of buyers on the market.
  • 全球端点安全市场-增长,趋势和预测(2020-2025年)
    The number of PCs, laptops, smartphones, tablets, and point-of-sale terminals has witnessed tremendous growth with the rise in population and the increased digitalization in industrial processes. This increase in different smart devices is generating several endpoints in networks, all over the world. Hence, there is a rising need for security, owing to the increased number of endpoint devices. Multiple types of endpoint security mediums have been recognized, such as firewalls or antiviruses. These mediums monitor the data and update the same in the server, which has become a requisite for the current technology-based industry. The increased internet accessibility, machine-to-machine communication, and growth in automation are all driving the market. With the increased employment in the software industry, employees are using different PCs and mobiles in offices, and companies are running servers on a variety of operating systems, which can lead to cyberthreats at any instance. Endpoint security suites are being used to maintain security and control, supporting the endpoint flexibility. Endpoint security vendors are offering cloud-based options to customers, for their endpoint security deployments. With the rising adoption of cloud-based solutions, for many applications, like email, there is an increase in the adoption of cloud-based security as well. Endpoint security systems help companies attain enhanced endpoint visibility and detect hidden endpoint exploit processes. With the increasing number of mobiles and other touch devices, such as tablets and POS, endpoint security companies are designing software with higher management flexibility, giving the users several choices for protection. The endpoint security market was saturated and commoditized. However, it has witnessed renewed growth, as many companies are evaluating their vendor relationships and trying to invest in efficient and higher functionality endpoint security solutions.
  • 全球内存计算市场-增长,趋势和预测(2020-2025年)
    Adoption of in-memory computing, also known as IMC, is on the rise. This can be attributed to the growing demand for faster processing and analytics on big data, the need for simplifying architecture as the number of various data sources increases, and technology enhancements that are optimizing their Total Cost of Ownership. In-memory computing, fundamentally comprises of RAM storage and parallel distributed processing. The adoption, however, is dependent on how businesses understand the value it can add, such as, Usage of less hardware to support the required performance, to reduce the upfront capital costs and Lifetime extension for the hardware and software via increased performance. Further, the demand to process huge and growing datasets in real-time are acting as catalyst towards the in-memory computing middleware adoption. Over the past several years, companies across a broad range of industries have been observed commencing adoption of in-memory computing platforms to achieve the application performance and scalability they need to achieve their digital transformation or omnichannel customer experience. Some of the use cases are in banking and financial services, retail, healthcare, to name a few. For instance, the BFSI sector deploys the in-memory computing to facilitate smooth investment banking transactions, insurance claim processing & modelling, among others. Risk and Asset Management firms used the technology to gain an understanding on range and probabilities of probable investment outcomes through complex simulations.
  • 全球3D重建市场-增长,趋势和预测(2020-2025年)
    3D reconstruction is the process of creating a computer model of the 3D image of an object from twodimensional images. 3D object reconstruction finds various applications in the real world. Reconstruction allows to gain information about qualitative features of the object, which cannot be deduced from a single plane of sight. 3D reconstruction can be used in art analysis and restoration, phenotype analysis, film, and game graphics, design, and criminal investigations, among others. 3D reconstruction techniques enable users to design product at each stage of its development, eventually reducing the overall production cost by a considerable margin. Such wide range of applications across the end-user industries and the commercial application projections have been the prominent factors prompting vendors to invest in technology developments. The advent of deep learning techniques and the increasing availability of large training data sets is leading to a new generation of methods that can recover the 3D geometry and structure of objects, either from one or several RGB images, without using any complex camera calibration process. The image-based 3D reconstruction is an impor tant problem and a building block to several applications, ranging from autonomous navigation and robotics to graphics and enter tainment. Some of the applications deal with generic objects, while some deal with objects that belong to specific classes, such as the human body parts (e.g. faces and hands), animals, and automobile. The recent advancements in geometrically correct 3D intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) reconstruction enabled the depiction of the true coronary anatomy, with the combination of IVUS data with biplane angiographic images. Additionally, fur ther advancements of the 3D IVUS reconstruction software, in conjunction with the advancement in hardware capabilities, are expected to enable the implementation of real-time 3D IVUS reconstruction within the catheterization laboratories. This is expected to aid the market’s growth.


  • 通信运营行业:春风已至,佳期可待-从“双循环和财报数据看运营商行业投资机会
    5G 信息消费是“双循环”新格局重要发力点, 看好运营商行业投资机会在“以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进”的新发展格局驱动下,5G 有望成为重要发力点。随着5G 商用的启动,依据三大运营商对20 年5G 用户数的规划,到20 年底5G 用户渗透率有望达到14.38%,我们预计到2021 年5G 用户有望达到4.8 亿户,5G 用户规模化推动信息化消费,对2C 端流量需求提升、2B 端行业应用的加速发展提供了催化条件。同时,国内三大运营商竞争趋缓带来移动业务营收和ARPU 值有望持续双升、共建共享带来成本端优化、以及2B 行业市场机遇,看好运营商行业投资机会,重点推荐中国联通。
  • 通信行业:新基建决定行业高度,推动板块持续走强-中报业绩综述
    由于一季度疫情影响,上半年通信板块内公司经营大多经历了一次过山车,不过从中报情况看,通信业内的公司业绩恢复明显。上半年BH 通信板块营业收入合计3620.09 亿元。同比增长5.03%;归母净利润合计125.39 亿元,同比下降2.64%。其中今年二季度BH 通信板块营收合计2001.63 亿元,同比增长13..47%,环比增长22.99%,基本填平1 季度的下滑,同期归母净利润合计91.15 亿元,同比增长33.85%。二季度业绩的快速恢复显示通信板块的高景气度。
  • 传媒互联网行业:疫情影响上半年业绩表现,关注国庆档及游戏新品表现-中期回顾暨9月投资策略
    1)8 月份传媒(中信指数)上涨2.46%,跑输沪深300 指数0.12 个百分点,在中信一级30 个行业中,传媒板块排名第14 位;2)个股表现较为分散,涨幅居前的为焦点科技、联创股份、思美传媒、华谊嘉信、华谊兄弟、分众传媒、联建光电等标的;跌幅靠前的为凯撒文化、深大通、掌阅科技、美盛文化、利欧股份等标的。
  • 通信行业:F5G+5G高速发展,工业互联网应用未来可期
    市场整体情况:纵观一周走势,沪指5 日累计上涨2.38%,深成指5 日累计上涨2.33%,创业板指5 日累计上涨2.34%。申万行业口径下,通信板块本周上涨2.38%。通信细分板块,其他板块本周景气度最高,实现周涨幅8.79%。
  • 通信行业:4G应用启示录与5G应用展望
    移动通信技术起源于20世纪80年代的美国,几乎每十年升级一次,典型特征之一是从通话到上网,且网速越来越快。 1G、2G改变了人类的通信方式,拉近了人与人之间的距离,3G、4G让广大用户可以随时上网,开启了移动互联网时代。4G成为迄今为止最为成功的移动通信网络,成就了移动互联网的繁荣,改变了大众的生活方式。
  • 通信行业:当前IDC供给怎么看?-TMT云计算半月谈,第5期
    9 月至今(2020.9.1-2020.9.16)Wind 云计算指数下跌6.94%,同期通信(中信)指数下跌7.78%,沪深300 下跌3.30%,创业板指下跌6.36%。本期专题我们重点从IDC 供给端探讨行业发展趋势,我们认为,中长期第三方 IDC 供给与需求基本匹配,在云化趋势下,IDC 行业持续景气上行周期,持续推荐具备扩张能力且围绕大客户需求布局的厂商。投资建议方面,重点推荐头部第三方IDC 公司:数据港、奥飞数据、光环新网、特发信息,以及IDC 上游设备商:新易盛、中际旭创。
  • 通信行业:产业升级与信息消费-专题研究
    近期,面临中美贸易摩擦和新冠疫情是两大内外部环境变化,中央提出要逐步形成以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局。我们认为双循环对于TMT 产业的影响在于,一方面,产业升级和技术进步是国内大循环的基础,避免关键技术领域被“卡脖子”,新型举国体制正在落地过程中。另一方面,内需是战略基石,5G、云计算等有望激发需求潜力,驱动信息消费。
  • 通信设备行业:Q2业绩反弹明显,新基建和华为链表现亮眼
    2020 上半年通信行业景气度较去年同期基本持平,疫情后行业恢复反弹明显。5G 规模建设有望推动行业收入增长。
  • 通信行业:Snowf_lake,全球领先云上数据仓库-国信通信·海外云相关行业简析
  • 通信行业;各地政务应用持续推进-区块链行业动态追踪
  • 通信行业:Q25G建设高峰,未来重点关注下游-2020中报总结
    低估值、业绩确定性强的行业龙头仍然是市场关注重点,持续推荐TCL 科技、金卡智能、中国联通、航天信息、东方国信等,受益标的包括中天科技、爱施德等。
  • 科技行业:特斯拉,电池日临近,关注六大看点-先锋系列报告134

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