(报告加工时间:2020-02-17 -- 2020-02-23)



  • 2018-2019年中国工业大数据市场研究年度报告
    2018 年中国工业大数据相关政策频出,国家在工业大数据的需求端和供给端均出台了相应的规划,加快了信息化技术和工业的深度融合。总体而言,2018 年中国工业大数据市场继续保持稳定增长的良好态势。随着产业环境的进一步优化,工业大数据行业龙头企业加强合作,形成创新共赢的格局,共同推出高品质产品及服务。赛迪顾问认为,新兴技术将助力工业大数据的未来发展,工业大数据技术标准将趋向统一,工业大数据将成为工业互联网发展的突破口,助力工业企业智能化转型。与此同时,工业大数据市场需求端的格局正在发生变,越来越多的工业企业倾向于采购生产流程优化和设备故障诊断类产品,应用端场景定制化服务正在成为重要发展方向。
  • 2018-2019年中国医疗IT应用市场研究年度报告
    2018年是中国“互联网+医疗健康政策正式落地的加速年,同年12月7日.国家卫生健康委办公厅印发了《电子病历系统应用水平分级评价管理办法(试行》和《电子病历系统应用水平分级评价标准(试行)》,提出了到2020年,所有三级医院要达到分级评价4级以上, =级医院要达到分级评价3级以上。在多项政策驱动下中国的医疗IT应用投资不断增加,加上云计算、人工智能等新技术与医疗行业的不断融合,中国的医疗IT应用市场稳步提升。值得-提的是,2018年医疗IT应用行业遭遇了勒索病毒的侵袭,多地多所规模不等的医疗机构中招,为整个行业带来了巨大影响。在整个医疗IT信息化的过程中,网络安全-直不被厂 家所重视,而勒索病毒事件为整个行业敲响了警钟,接下来企业势必会加大网络安全领域投入,在丰富产品功能的同时, 也要保障整个行业客户的安全性。未来,从技术端来看。人工智能+医疗成为行业技术发展趋势。另外西部地区和社区医院市场需求将不断扩展,企业将重点布局。
  • 2018-2019年中国安防市场研究年度报告
    2018 年,农村"雪亮工程"建设被纳入中央一号文件,推动各地相关安防工程项目的开展,为安防市场的持续增长提供支撑。同时,PPP 项目入库标准和清退标准实施,推动安防项目规范化扩容。总体而言,受政府去杠杆政策、地方债务问题以及国际贸易不确定性等因素影响,2018 年国内安防市场整体规模增速出现短暂下滑。随着市场需求的变化,安防厂商逐渐向提供整套安防系统解决方案和运营服务的商业模式转变,未来安防运营服务市场空间不断变大。赛迪顾问认为,随着政策环境的持续优化,人工智能等新兴技术的加持以及民用安防市场需求的不断释放,中国安防市场仍将保持快速发展的态势。未来,AI 技术与安防的深度融合、5G 技术在安防领域的应用、安防巡检机器人成为智能安防重要载体、国内芯片厂商角逐安防市场将成为中国安防市场的重要发展趋势和关注热点。此外,随着华为、BAT 等巨头的强势入局,以及商汤、云从等AI+安防类新兴企业的涌现,安防市场的竞争格局将全面升级,缺乏核心竞争优势的传统安防企业,或将面临被市场逐渐淘汰的危机。
  • 2018-2019年中国智能制造系统集成市场研究年度报告
    智能制造系统集成行业的发展是推动我国制造业转型升级的关键,近年来,我国发展先进制造业的政策不断出台,为智能制造系统集成行业发展提供了有力的政策支持。随着全球制造业双向回流进程的加速推进,我国制造业转型升级和提质增效迫在眉睫,也促进了国内智能制造系统集成市场的快速发展。2018 年我国本土市场虽然还是由西门子、GE、罗克韦尔、施耐德等几家国际龙头企业占据大部分市场份额,但是诸如和利时、浙江中控、东方国信和昆仑数据等多家企业均呈现快速发展态势,成为国内市场中的有力竞争者。赛迪顾问认为,国内智能制造系统集成市场正在蓬勃发展,商业模式正在逐步清晰,聚焦于细分行业的系统集成商将成为市场的主流,与此同时,随着国家政策的大力推进以及资本市场的进一步助力,我国智能制造系统集成市场将会持续保持高速增长。
  • 2018-2019年中国5G通信市场研究年度报告
    2018 年全球5G 通信市场依旧保持良好的发展势头。由于2019 年是即将到来的5G 商用元年,2018 年,全球通信强国动作频频,从基础设施建设到终端设备发布,从通信标准制订到城市场景试点,不断进行先试先行的试商用工作。2018 年,韩国平昌冬奥会率先进行了5G 网络的试商用,同步垂直观赛、网络时间切片以及360 度全景VR 观赛已经渗透到冬奥会的各个角落,为观众带来了全新的沉浸式体验。紧随全球发展的步伐,中国也在年内稳步推进5G 相关工作,我国通信设备制造商、运营商以及终端商积极参与5G 通信标准制订工作;三大运营商首批5G 试点城市悉数出炉,试点工作有条不紊进行当中。预计到2025 年,全球5G 连接数将达到14 亿。届时,5G 网络总投资额将大幅提升,同期电信企业5G 业务收入累计将达到数万亿元。
  • 2018-2019年中国电子商务市场研究年度报告
    2018 年中国电子商务市场整体规模进一步提升,B2B 市场仍然占据主体地位,农村电商、跨境电商、社交电商等细分领域均保持稳定增长;2018 年一系列法律法规及相关政策密集出台,一方面推动了整体电子商务快速发展,另一方面也对电子商务平台审核监管、商家诚信经营等方面都提出了更高的要求,用户权益进一步得到保障;目前电子商务整体竞争格局趋于稳定,B2B、B2C 领域均处于多龙头瓜分市场的竞争态势,行业集中度有所上升。赛迪顾问认为,供需两端双升级将成为电商发展的新驱动力,同时随着传统电商流量红利逐渐消失,一、二线互联网用户趋于饱和,下沉市场将成为未来电商企业争夺的战场。此外,无论是B2B 还是B2C 市场,垂直细分行业电商平台会不断涌现,行业种类和业务覆盖度也将进一步加强。


  • 全球地理空间分析市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    Geospatial analysis refers to a broad range of activities, which emphasize on applying various techniques to data, comprising geographical or space-related characteristics.  Some of the key factors driving the growth of the geospatial analytics market include increasing use of GPS devices, technological advancements in the field of GIS technology, recent trends in integration and convergence of geospatial technologies, advent of new business models aimed at leveraging the demand for geospatial information, and increased application of geospatial analytics in city and town planning.
  • 全球智能采矿市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The Internet of Things (IoT) has a considerable impact on transforming multiple industries by forging real-time connections between machinery, environmental conditions, people, and business processes. Implementing comprehensive IoT solutions can be challenging, however, and it is even more complicated when the operation takes place underground. Mining is a resource critical industry, where the ability to remotely monitor personnel and control equipment can have a significant impact. In this case, the usual constituents for IoT connectivity run into a massive number of problems. The radio signals that carry cellular, Wi-Fi, RFID, and other wireless data are not sufficient to penetrate rock and soil. Numerous mining operations have begun to partner with technology companies to invent creative solutions for deploying wireless networks underground. Along the way, they’re keeping better track of employees and equipment, increasing safety, improving maintenance, and boosting efficiencies. From an application on a mobile device, supervisors at mine sites can receive the alerts via email, SMS, or in-app notifications. This helps the supervisors to react to critical problems that are occurring in real- time and help in the maximization of productivity.
  • 中东医疗器械校准服务市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible to ensure that the public health and safety ae not compromised through the products that are intended for human and animal consumption. Hence, FDA laid regulations for maintaining the safety of instruments in calibration services.  The FDA has a code of regulations for medical device calibration requirements, which are stated in part 820 of its Quality System Regulation (QSR), Section 72. Title 21 of Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 820.72. This deals with inspection, measuring, and test equipment.  The regulation requirements of FDA for medical device calibration are not for specific measures. The regulations have been designed to ensure that the inspection, measuring, and the test equipment satisfy the intended use and quality requirements. The regulations act as guidelines for the manufacturers and distributors of medical equipment and devices, as they define the procedures, accuracy standards, and frequency of calibration that must be followed for calibrated equipment.
  • 北美应用现代化工具市场到2027年
    The industry landscape chapter gives a brief knowledge about the various product developments, partnerships, mergers & acquisitions, and collaboration strategies implemented by the companies operating in the application modernization tools market.Market initiative strategy is adopted by the companies to expand their footprints across the world to meet the growing demand of customers. The players operating in the application modernization tools market are focusing on products enhancements by integration of advanced technologies.
  • 北美制造执行系统市场到2027年
    Manufacturing represents sophisticated cooperation among different departments of business, such as procurement, engineering, and quality control. As the globalization has been a common phenomenon, effective management of cross-functioning teams becomes a major challenge for most businesses. Manufacturing execution systems (MES) are made for improving manufacturing accuracy and efficiency. These are process-oriented production management systems that are used for the real-time execution of production plans as well as for getting feedback from the processes. They are generally connected to numerous systems at the process automation level. These comprise traditional data collection and all other procedures that have a real-time effect on the process of production. Manufacturing execution systems is a total solution including software and services to enhance factory automation efficiency. The systems provide complete service on automation of the manufacturing system and procurement system. To satisfy customers’ needs, manufacturers are dedicated to offering high-quality products at affordable prices with in time delivery. Thus, enhancing production quality and efficiency is a critical challenge faced by the manufacturers. The manufacturing process starts with material procurement. When all the materials arrive in the warehouse, the assembly process begins. After the device is assembled and passed through the quality control process, all the qualified goods will move to the packing area. Finally, these goods would be shipped out based on the order details. The accuracy of cost estimation, quality record and analysis, progress control of orders, etc., are the major parameters considered to enhance manufacturing efficiency.

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