(报告加工时间:2020-03-23 -- 2020-03-29)



  • 全球生物识别市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The global biometrics market is anticipated to develop at a significant growth rate, owing to the rising number of terrorist activities, coupled with the increasing theft activities pertaining to crucial data and information that have raised concerns regarding national security. Significant factors, such as growth in the e-passport program, government support, and extensive use in criminal identification, are expected to majorly drive the market’s growth over the forecast period. Organizations across various sectors, where security remains the primary concern, are investing heavily in their security systems, with a focus on access control systems. The defense, law enforcement, as well as government institutions are some of the prominent users of this technology. Moreover, the soaring need to strengthen national security augmented the growth of these systems, globally. Iris recognition is used in various countries for different purposes, such as passport-free automated border crossings. One of the key trends witnessed in the market studied is a model shift in business discourse toward more privacy and fewer security threats. The end users are increasingly looking for integrated solutions, rather than depending on conventional methods.
  • 能源领域的全球大数据分析市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    In the energy sector, big data analytics plays a crucial role in reducing energy consumption and improving energy efficiency. The energy sector can optimize power generation and planning, by adopting big data analytics. The scarcity of fossil fuel is giving rise to alternate sources of energy, such as solar, wave, and wind turbines, wherein consumption is increasing at a high pace. Thus, it has become imperative to use advanced tools that use big data-based analytical tools to understand the behavior or adaption of these sources of energy. With the increase in the usage of microgrids control system and other smart grid systems, which enable companies to monitor, control, and analyze grid functioning from a central control center, there is a vast untapped potential of advanced analytics tools and techniques, such as the big data platform.
  • 数据中心建筑市场全球展望和预测(2020-2025年)
    Data centers are the backbone of online business operations and consumers. The growth in data centers is aided by the increased usage of the internet for personal and business purposes by consumers through smartphones and high-speed broadband connectivity.
  • 商业服务机器人市场全球展望预测(2020-2025年)
    Over the last few decades, the global commercial service robot market has witnessed the introduction of disruptive technologies such as enhancement of AI along with hardware integration in commercial service robots. Smart robots that hasten several manual operations for humans is one of the most disruptive technologies. At present, the market is witnessing several innovations, with the introduction of cobots (collaborative robots) being one of them.
  • 亚太微移动数据中心市场到2027年
    Technology has intensified many business activities and processes, and new and creative applications of the technology are anticipated to have definite effects on existing businesses. Data localisation laws act holds a significant position in boosting the growth of the entire data center industry. Pertaining to the fast-expanding e-commerce industry, uprising the government’s focus on the digital economy, high usage of social media and smartphones, and an increase in technology-driven start-ups have resulted in snowballing in data usage and storage. Due to factors as mentioned earlier, the demand for data center space is projected to grow. Furthermore, the entrance of numerous Asia-Pacific cloud service providers is accumulating to space take-up. The micro data centers are considered as a logical response to rising Big Data and the IoT. Instead of supporting customer-facing or internal workloads, the new data centers support multiple connected devices which commence inhabiting the world around us. These centers aim to give more adjunct to legacy facilities to cater to different data needs of the connected world rather than replacing cloud-based infrastructure. The IT companies, utilities, and cities throughout the globe are installing a large number of additional data centers. Few initiatives are undertaken to widen the scope of micro data centers. For instance, in April 2019, Swiss cabling specialist Reichle & De-Massari has introduced a new micro data center for edge deployments. The new 42U EdgeGo Basic is developed to be comparatively sound-proof, lowering IT noise by 31 dBA. It would also be able to offer infrastructures for edge computing.


  • 鲲鹏计算产行业:鲲鹏展翅,挥下千亿市场
    “鲲鹏”+“昇腾”双引擎发布奠定鲲鹏产业算力基础,与伙伴企业合力打造全栈 式IT布局,凸显雄心壮志。华为鲲鹏产业计划是基于鲲鹏处理器构建全栈IT基础建设、 行业应用及服务。
  • 网络游戏行业:移动游戏2月同比高增长,云游戏后继动力强-点评报告
    近期,伽马数据发布了《2020 年2 月移动游戏报告》,移动游戏市场2020 年2 月同比增长18.6%,表现较好。我们认为,移动游戏市场短期受宅经济因素促进,中长期有云游戏加持,二季度表现可期。
  • 通信行业:中移动5G有望带来业务增长拐点,看好运营商及5G产业加速发展-深度报告
    事件:中国移动发布2019 年业绩公告:经营业绩趋势向好,价值经营成效出现,全面推进“5G+”计划,加快产业融合落地,同时深化管理提升,全力构筑创世界一流“力量大厦”,持续为股东创造价值。
  • 商业贸易行业:快手电商江湖的迭代
  • 通信行业:5G建设或提速,利好通信系统设备-《关于推动5G加快发展的通知》点评
    2020 年3 月24 日,工业和信息化部发布《关于推动5G 加快发展的通知》,从5G 网络建设部署、5G 技术应用场景、5G 技术研发、5G 安全保障体系以及组织实施等五方面提出18 项举措。
  • 互联网行业:拼多多(PDD.O),粗放式增长接近尾声,长期看精细化运营
    3 月 11 日,拼多多发布 2019Q4 及全年的未经审计的业绩报告,业绩指标喜忧参半。1)2019 全年实现总收入 301.42 亿元,同比增长 130%,低于市场预期;2019Q4 营业收入 107.93 亿人民币,同比增长 91%,低于市场预期 2.95%;2) non-GAAP 下全年净亏损 42.66 亿,亏损较上一年增加 23%。3)全年 GMV 突破万亿,同比增长 113%。拼多多 2019 年活跃买家数达到 5.85 亿,净增 4900 万,同比增速 39.8%。基于疫情期间物流受到影响的推测,预计 2020 年一季度 GMV 与收入增速将略有下滑。
  • 通信行业:工业互联网再获政策加持,产业链全面梳
    1、业务受疫情较小的增速确定、估值较低相关标的,重点受益公司航天信息、网宿科技、金卡智能、海格通信等;2、基本面拐点明确:重点推荐中恒电气(5G 电源+数据中心HVDC+充电桩)。


  • 通信光缆日常维护及故障处理
  • 通信工程传输技术的应用研究
  • 电信企业财务集中核算管理模式探讨
  • 浅谈5G传输组网的相关技术问题

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