(报告加工时间:2014-08-04 -- 2014-10-31)


  • 2014年生产资料分析与预测(第六期)
  • 2014年生产资料分析与预测(第八期)
    8 月份,物流活动增势减缓。物流业景气指数,新订单和设备利用率等主要指数均有所回落。企业效益略有改善,但仍然偏弱。生产资料市场价格继续下降,降幅有所扩大。综合相关数据来看,经济平稳运行的基本态势没有改变,但出现了短期波动的特点需引起关注。预计下半年经济增速在7%-7.5%之间,仍处在合理区间。
  • 中国有色月刊-2014年9月
    Minmetals Resources acquired the world’s largest copper mine under construction for USD5.85 billion. One after another, listed companies Jien Nickle, China Molybdenum and Chihong Zinc and Germanium raised money to get involved in overseas mining projects…SOEs and private enterprises are engaged in a frenzy of overseas mine purchasing.
  • 影响铜价波动因素及趋势分析
  • 行业月度报告-有色金属201407
    7月,有色金属企业开工率回升,冶炼生产有所提速,在下游消费带动下,其中电解铝、精炼铜产量同比增速均有所提高;我国对有色金属原料的进口需求保持稳定,出口则稳步增长;在微刺激政策影响以及工业经济回升背景下,主要有色金属价格呈上涨态势。 展望未来几个月,工业经济增长趋于稳定,国内的微刺激政策效果将逐渐显现,但有色金属行业产能过剩问题短期内仍难以解决;同时,行业发展面临的资源环保压力日益增大,调结构任务艰巨;供大于求背景下,未来有色金属价格上涨行情难以持续,仍将以震荡为主;冶炼企业经营情况将略好于上半年,但难以实现根本性好转。
  • 2009-2013年冶金专用设备市场评估及2018年综合预测报告
  • 中国有色月刊-2014年10月
    Recently the National Commission of Development and Reform again assembled experts to solicit opinions, and discussed new electricity reform program.
  • 2014年生产资料分析与预测(第七期)
    7 月份,中国制造业采购经理指数(PMI)为51.7%,比上月上升0.7 个百分,自今年3 月份以来持续上升,且升幅扩大。主要分项指数保持同步回升,普遍达到去年同期水平以上。服务业商务活动指数在53%以上较高水平基本保持稳定。物流业景气指数在较高水平上仍有小幅回升,铁路、道路、水运等运输企业业务回升明显,仓储环节库存周转加快、存量下降。
  • 中国有色月刊-2014年8月
    Recently, Guangxi Metallurgical Research Institute, a subsidiary of Guangxi Nonferrous Metals Group, completed survey on laterite and related manufacturers in the region, by combining the current development status of laterite both at home and abroad, it compiled Guangxi’s first “Research Report on the Development of Guangxi Nickel Industrial Chain” which adopted laterite as the study subject.


  • 用于创建三维多孔结构形状记忆合金的新型加工
    We have developed two processing methods for creating fully 3D interconnected NiTi porous structures with arrayed micro-channels. Processing with HIPing results in a fully densified matrix, though bonding at powder boundaries is limited by oxidation. The strength of the powder bonding can be increased by processing with liquid phase sintering, though the resulting matrix is not fully densified. Tailored to the specific application, both of these methods are valuable for creation of these 3D interconnected structures. The stress-strain response of these types of samples was examined through digital image correlation. The full strain field around a single and multiple pores was examined and compared to continuum modeling of the same geometry. While the transformation is captured qualitatively as it initiates below the pores and propagates 45 to the applied tensile load, continuum modeling is unable to capture the discrete with multiple pores, as the transformation bands cross and interact during deformation. Therefore while continuum modeling will clearly illustrate the trends of the deformation, as pore size and spacing approaches the granular length scale, these discrete effects cannot be captured by continuum modeling but must be examined experimentally.

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