(报告加工时间:2023-06-27 -- 2023-07-10)



  • 全球移动游戏市场竞争格局
    The gaming industry is highly fragmented, owing to increased demand for online games and increased penetration of mobile apps across various regions, resulting in fierce competition. Because of the existence of big firms such as Tencent Holdings Limited, Activision Blizzard, Inc, and Nintendo Ltd., among others, the mobile gaming business offers a cut throat competition.
  • 全球娱乐媒体展望报告
    Manufacture of veneer sheets thin enough to be used for veneering, making plywood or other purposes: Smoothed, dyed, coated, impregnated, reinforced (with paper or fabric backing) Made in the form of motifs
  • 全球电影剧集视觉特效市场报告展望预测(2023-2028年)
    Globalization and growth in the VFX industry have led to global interconnectivity. Due to the continuous development in VFX technology, growth in streaming content, and episodic fare becoming more cinematic based on quality, there is a high-quality VFX in film and series content. There is an increasing demand for VFX artists due to the surging film & episodic VFX content and the gradual ascension of AR and VR. Thus, all these factors increased the demand for skilled artists and the work of VFX studios in Vancouver, London, and Mumbai. Moreover, financial incentives in several locations have helped to globalize the VFX industry.


  • 传媒行业:关注基本面和创新技术共振较强的领域-2023年中期策略
    我们认为,2023 年下半年传媒互联网基本面向上趋势明确,AIGC 等新技术 概念将继续成为传媒板块行情的主要驱动力。长期来看,AI 无疑是新一轮科 技革命的起点,后续围绕生成式AI 的创新仍将快速发展。建议关注当下阶段 基本面弹性较大并且AIGC/虚拟现实等新技术应用潜力较大的行业或标的。
  • 传媒行业:端午档期表现超预期,“内容为王仍是硬逻辑-跟踪报告
    端午档期表现超预期,“内容为王”仍是硬逻辑。此次端午档期发挥超出预期,票房同比大幅上涨408.38%至9.1 亿元,成为历年来端午档票房第二名,实现强力反弹。相比于2018 年好莱坞大片《侏罗纪世界2》坐镇,此次端午档期上映的三部影片均是国产电影,但是口碑受到市场认证,由此可见“内容为王”仍是硬逻辑,观众会为优质内容买单。从票价及观影人次来看,主要是票价提升以及观影人数增加双重因素拉动整体票房回升;从档期票房日变化来看,档期首日票房表现超出预期,为3.15 亿元,档期第二天实现逆跌,主要是由头部影片《消失的她》拉动票房增长。
  • 中国媒体行业:继续看好AI大产业趋势,聚焦关注“基本面向好+AI逻辑顺+执行力强的核心公司
    周观点:本周AI 行业催化不断,海外市场OpenAI 宣布正式发布手 机端ChatGPT,支持自动文本生成、知识问答、智能助手等功能, 用户可以在手机上更为方便的应用ChatGPT 产品。国内传媒公司的 AI 产品也在积极推进中,遥望科技与小冰公司达成合作,以升级、 改进新型人工智能技术/产品,包括但不限于在虚拟人、AI 产品等 领域进行产品创新、升级。焦点科技召开AI 麦可产品发布会,正 式面向全球买卖双方推出外贸企业专属AI 助手“麦可”,并现场展示 了麦可在信息发布、营销推广和商机转化环节中的多项能力。

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