(报告加工时间:2018-03-19 -- 2018-03-25)



  • 金融汇编-第851期


  • 全球工业物联网IIoT市场报告(2017-2023年)
    The industrial internet of things (IIoT) is a part of the large IoT network that is linked to intelligent devices, computers, and objects, which help in collecting and sharing large volumes of data. IIoT aids to improve the efficiency, connectivity, scalability, cost, and time savings to a great extent. Further, predictive maintenance, improved safety, and other operational efficiencies of IIoT have benefitted the industrial organizations. The IIoT network enables the organizations to connect to their workers, data, and processes from factories to the executive offices, thus assisting in better decision-making for the organization as a whole.
  • 互联物流市场报告(2017-2023年)
    Connected logistics refers to system of interconnected devices that are designed to facilitate faster, uniform, and accessible mode of communication for better interoperability among involved entities such as manufacturers, suppliers, transporters, end users, and others. It can also be described as integration of connected technologies such as Bluetooth, ZigBee, Wi-Fi, and others. Furthermore, the demand for connected logistics is on an increase in the recent years, owing to its features such as seamless operation, real-time communication, and integration of information, which enables informed decision making and streamlined logistical business processes. The global connected logistics market was valued at $16,774 million in 2016, and is projected to reach at $27,722 million by 2023, growing at a CAGR of 7.60% from 2017 to 2023.
  • 全球移动支付市场报告(2016-2023年)
    Growth in penetration of smartphones and personal devices, such as tablets and smart watches, along with the evolving technology, has transformed an individual’s way of living. The mobile payment trend has taken over traditional payment method, owing to current cashless transactions done using mobiles as a payment method. This payment method is easy and a hassle-free way to pay money virtually. Increased adoption of mobile payment in emerging economies of Asia- Pacific is expected to continue to foster growth in the mobile payment market in the coming years.


  • 保险行业:集中度迎大提升,关注保障转型和政策催化-3月投资策略
  • 银行行业:向上逻辑未变,回调提升安全边际-月报
  • 非银金融行业:龙头优势有望延续-2018年一季度策略报告
  • 银行行业:风雨过后见彩虹-2018年春季投资策略

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