(报告加工时间:2020-08-31 -- 2020-09-06)


  • 全球网页实时通信市场报告(2019-2026年)
    WebRTC or web real-time communication is an open source collection of application programming interface (API) and communication protocols that enable real-time communication for web browsers and mobile applications. It allows video or audio communication inside web pages by enabling real-time peer-to-peer connection without the need to install additional plugins or native apps. This technology facilitates easy and cost-effective communication in terms of voice, video, and other data. The technology enables video chat, video conferencing, audio call, audio conferencing, text chats, file sharing, gaming, and social networking, typically with internet browsers as endpoints. WebRTC offers real-time communication at low costs with high performance and encryption support.
  • 全球视频分析市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Video analytics is a computerized processing and automatic analysis of the video content generated, collected, or monitored during video surveillance. While monitoring the videos, the software identifies attributes, events, or patterns and characteristics of people or objects while ignoring the irrelevant activities via video analysis of monitored environments. A large volume of unstructured video data is produced through video surveillance in industries, city surveillance, and through social media. The video analytics software also enables users to analyze, organize, and share the insights gained from the video data to help in making better decisions. On the basis of component, the global video analytics market is segmented into software and services. The scope of video analytics market is derived from multiple video analytics applications across several industries such as, retail, healthcare, mining, transportation & logistics, and others. The applications in these industries include facial recognition & detection, incident detection, perimeter intrusion detection, crowd detection & management, traffic & parking management, and others. By deployment, the market is bifurcated into onpremise and cloud deployment.
  • 全球视频监控市场报告(2019-2027年)
    Digital video surveillance systems can be used for nearly any environment owing to increase in adoption of advanced surveillance by the government sector, manufacturers have realized the need for optimum IP surveillance systems. A lot of advantages are offered by an IP camera CCTV system offers over an analog format. There has been an increase in the demand for security applications such as video surveillance to monitor and record borders, ports, transportation infrastructure, corporate houses, educational institutes, public places, buildings, and others. The scope of the report discusses the potential opportunities for the market players to enter the global video surveillance market. This report also provides in-depth analysis of the market, outlining current trends, key driving factors, and key area of investment. The report includes Porter’s five forces analysis to understand the competitive scenario of the industry and role of each stakeholder in the value chain. The report features the strategies adopted by key market players to maintain their foothold in the market.
  • 全球视频监控系统市场-增长,趋势和预测(2020-2025年)
    The use of video surveillance in business is growing significantly, owing to the increasing need for physical security, coupled with the use of cloud-based services for centralized data. Globally, the drive to enhance the safety and security across different industries is adding to the market growth, significantly. With rapid developments in cloud computing and video surveillance software, the surveillance market has transformed, in comparison to the previous decade. The growth of the video surveillance market is expected to be fueled by the introduction of new IP-based digital technologies to detect and prevent undesirable behaviors, such as shoplifting, thefts, vandalism, and terror attacks. Video surveillance is being adopted in manufacturing, banking & financial services, and transportation and retail industries. This incorporation is higher in countries, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, India, China, and Brazil, owing to the large size of the concerned industries and higher awareness among consumers.
  • 全球医疗保健VR市场报告(2019-2026年)
    The report provides market dynamics and trends related to the VR in healthcare market. In addition, it presents the market estimations and forecast. The study estimates the revenues that are confined to the sales of virtual reality devices used in healthcare facilities. Valuations comprises revenue generated from VR Semiconductor Components, VR Devices, and VR Sensors. However, the market estimates do not include revenue generated from the post-sale services of the devices.


  • 计算机行业:数字货币催化继续,行业Q2复苏开启-周报(20200824-2020.0830)
    年初以来,计算机板块涨幅 31.97%,行业排名第九。本周创业板从 2632.45 点上涨至 2757.84 点,涨幅 4.76%。计算 机行业 1.61%,行业排名第 9,弱于创业板,强于上证综指(上涨 0.68%)。行业估值中位数法下 PE(ttm)为 65。
  • 计算机行业费用刚性利润短期承压,季节性特征看好下半年,给予“推荐行业评级
    2020 年 H1 计算机行业上市公司合计实现营业收入 3107 亿元, 整体增速和中位数增速分别为 1.15%和-1.15%。整体增速变化低于中位数增速变 化,反应出计算机行业收入的影响更集中于少数大规模龙头优质标的。
  • 计算机行业:小鹏汽车成功IPO,智能化与网联化趋势加速
    美东时间 8 月 27 日,小鹏汽车(股票代码为 XPEV)成功在纽交所上 市,发行价 15 美元/股,按照发行价计算,小鹏汽车的市值达到 108 亿 美元,约合人民币 743 亿元,预计发行将于 8 月 31 日交割。本次 IPO 募集总额约为 15 亿美元,超出招股书预计的 12.71 亿美元。此次 IPO 所得融资将用于研发和扩大销售渠道,以及包括营运资金需求的一般 公司用途。
  • 计算机行业:数字货币进程提速,建议关注金融科技-周报
    8 月 24 日至 8 月 28 日,沪深 300 指数上涨 2.66%,计算机行业上涨 2.36%, 行业跑输大盘 0.3 个百分点,其中计算机设备板块上涨 0.13 %,计算机应用 板块上涨 2.75%。
  • 通信行业:国网、阿里入局广电,盛路通信聚焦主赛道-周报(2020年8月第5期)
    国家电网、阿里等参与组建中国广电,广电5G 建设预计加码提速,关注中兴、烽火、数码、当虹、初灵、国网信通;盛路通信聚焦通信+军工优势主赛道;基于VGPP 模型,本周重点关注初灵、联通。
  • 通信行业:掘金5G下游应用,数通+物联双主线并进
    截至2020年7月底,全球126个国家/地区的392家运营商宣布投资5G。38个国家/地区的92家运营商已经实现5G商用。 2020年1月,全球发布的5G设备数量首次超过200种;到7月底,全球已经发布了364种设备,其中162种已经或即将商用。
  • 通信行业:Q2行业环比改善,板块强者恒强-2020年中报总结
    1H20 通信行业实现营收3363.11 亿(YoY -0.2%),实现归母净利润107.55亿(YoY -19.70%)。2Q20 通信行业实现营收1852.67 亿(YoY +8.7%,QoQ+22.66%),实现归母净利润77 亿元(YoY +11.19%,QoQ +152.0%)。整体来看,二季度行业复工复产进度良好。细分板块方面,光模块及器件、云计算设备及IDC、通信设备及物联网景气度较高。我们看好通信行业在5G网络规模建设及云计算发展驱动下景气度持续提升,维持行业“增持”评级。
  • 47家公司发起组建广电网络股份 有线电视全国一网与5G 融合发展
    截至8 月28 日,沪深300 指数2020 年涨幅18.25%,中证TMT 指数同期涨幅26.22%。其中,传媒、计算机、通信行业涨幅分别为31.06%、29.66%、 9.94%,在28 个一级行业中分别位居第9、10、19 位。最近一年,沪深300 指数涨幅24.10%,中证TMT指数涨幅为45.38%,相对涨幅为21.28%。TMT 行业总体表现优于市场计算机行业PE 为72.25 倍,高于同期历史均值正一倍标准差64.99 倍,PB 为5.98 倍,低于同期历史均值正一倍标准差7.48 倍,计算机行业处于估值高位区;传媒行业PE 为38.67 倍,低于同期历史均值50.18 倍,PB 为3.68 倍,高于同期历史均值负一倍标准差2.58 倍,行业估值较低;通信行业PE 为41.81 倍,低于同期历史均值正一倍标准差56.14 倍,PB 为3.13 倍,略低于同期历史均值3.48 倍,行业估值适中。总体上,中证TMT 行业整体企业估值倍数(EV/EBITDA)为19.76 倍,超过历史平均值正一倍标准差16.77 倍,处于估值高位区。
  • 计算机行业:二季度行业收入回暖,金融IT等板块改善明显-周报
    2020H1 计算机行业整体收入 2876.81 亿元,同比下滑 5.67%;归母净利润 122.07 亿元, 同比下滑 38.43%。收入和净利润同比下滑的原因主要为:行业公司面对的客户多为政 府和企事业单位,疫情影响下相关招标和结算有延迟,因此相关收入有所下滑。同时, 行业公司多数需要提前支出费用,因此净利润下滑的幅度较大。
  • 通信行业:广东省IDC规划解读,利好龙头-TMT云计算半月谈,第4期
    8 月(2020.08.01-2020.08.31)Wind 云计算指数上涨0.21%,同期通信(中信)指数下跌0.93%,沪深300 上涨2.58%,创业板指下跌2.40%。回顾近两周,国内云及IDC 厂商均已报完最新季度业绩,云计算及IDC 市场保持快速增长。本期专题我们解读了广东省IDC 规划,认为在对IDCPUE、上架率、以及时延等方面进行细致规范后,高质量龙头IDC 厂商有望长期受益。投资建议方面,重点推荐深圳信息化国企特发信息,第三方IDC 龙头数据港、光环新网,以及IDC 上游设备商:中际旭创、新易盛。
  • 互联网行业:后疫情时代的互联网本地生活-深度报告
    本地生活服务行业作为互联网最后一条腾飞的赛道,在本次疫情中线上化进程全面提速。餐饮 外卖、本地商超、同城配送等业务,消费场景得到极大扩展,开启了万物到家的时代。
  • 计算机行业:大行提速,银行第三方运维或更受益-数字货币行业事件点评
    8 月 29 日建行 App 新增并撤回了数字钱包充值和数字货币子菜单,建行回 应称在手机银行系统开展了相关功能测试,目前本次测试已经结束。8 月 31 日工行在业绩发布会上表示也在按统一要求积极开展数字货币(DC/EP)研 究工作。目前暂未明确 DC/EP 软件系统由央行外厂商实施;相比之下,随 着银行系 App 取代部分移动支付场景,银行数据中心需求增长,第三方运 维市场有望率先受益。
  • 通信行业:全面推进IPv6规模部署,“全国一网“加速推进-周观点
    上周市场表现出一个探底回升的走势,沪深300 指数震荡上涨2.66%,通信板块微涨0.31%,行业排名第14 位。本周个股表现中,广电系相关标度与光模块相关标的均表现亮眼。我们认为,通信板块的走势会伴随着5G 行业的逐渐成熟而持续走强,相关产业链上的公司将迎来良好的配置机会,一些业绩表现优异并拥有良好市场前景的个股将成为关注重点。
  • 计算机行业:信创产业土壤已经形成,行业专用软件同样重要-新三板TMT行业专题系列报告之六
    近年来美方多次挑起针对我国科技企业的贸易争端,既在情理之外,也 在意料之中。加紧在高新技术上的技术突破与科技创新,加速实现国产替代, 推进自主可控进程,免去被“卡脖子”的威胁,将会是未来科技产业的主旋 律。否则将来可能会有更多的公司因为技术封锁导致经营活动无法进行,中 国的经济发展将面临重重困难。
  • 区块链行业:纽交所获批“直接上市规则“,建行开展DCEP线上测试-周报
    上周行情回顾:Chainext CSI 100 上涨2.02%,细分板块中存储&计算表现最优。从细分板块来看,文娱社交、商业金融、基础增强、基础链、存储&计算优于Chainext CSI 100 平均水平,为4.40%、19.90%、5.15%、7.16%、25.82%;支付交易、物联网&溯源、纯币类、AI 表现逊于ChainextCSI 100 平均水平,为1.56%、-4.20%、0.30%、-4.78%。

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