(报告加工时间:2020-03-17 -- 2020-03-22)



  • 中国在线旅游市场年度综合分析2020
  • 中国互联网漫画市场年度分析2020
    二次元文化在中国市场上经历了规模性爆发式增长,随着年轻一代消费用户的成长,动漫等相关产业影响力也获得不断提升。 “十三五”规划中对于动漫相关产业发展的规划鼓励,显示出其已成为未来中国市场重要的文化产业之一。随着一批互联网平台及企业的快速发展,以及多边政策的优化扶持,互联网漫画市场拥有较大的市场空间。


  • 全球在线赌博市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    During the last few years, there have been an increasing number of malpractices by online operators regarding the misconduct of customers. In order to deal with this mishap and gain consumer trust and interest, various governing bodies and associations are legalizing gambling events.  In March 2018, the Gambling Commission announced that some online operators were treating customers unfairly, by requesting additional identity information when the customers attempted to withdraw winnings. Around 15% of the complaints to its contact center were about licensees not allowing customers to withdraw funds until they submit certain form of identification or personal credentials. The Swedish Gambling Authority is controlled by the Ministry of Finance, and its board is appointed by the Swedish government. The Swedish Gambling Authority has been given the task of ensuring the legality, safety, and reliability of the gambling market in the country.


  • 游戏行业:海外疫情蔓延,关注游戏出海-2月数据跟踪
    行业:全球疫情蔓延,海外游戏市场爆发。近期意大利互联网流量激增70%以上。Steam 在3 月15 日同时在线人数超2000 万创下历史新高,动视代表FPS 游戏《使命召唤》免费开放“吃鸡”模式“War Zone”,首个24 小时内吸引超过600 万玩家加入。对比中国1月受疫情影响手游流水收入再创新高,海外市场有望复刻趋势产生可观增量。

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