(报告加工时间:2016-09-05 -- 2016-09-25)


  • 2015年中国“互联网+”教育研究报告
    2015年3月5日,十二届全国人大三次会议在人民大会埻开幕,国务院总理李克强在政府工作报告提出,将制定“互联网+”行劢计划。这是此行业热词首次出现在政府工作报告中, “互联网+”生态战略获奖成为国家重要战略。
  • 纺织服装行业:K-12教育龙头是怎样炼成的-新东方、好未来的经验研究
    教育行业万亿市场,机会与风险并存,众多的新进入者都以新东方、好未来为模板,期望通过学习它们的经验实现成功。而对于资本市场来说,新东方与好未来的诞生均得益于特定的时代环境,成功经验难以复制,但我们可以通过找出两家龙头的成功基因,探寻 K-12 教育行业公司发展壮大的影响因素,从而拓展到教育行业各个子行业,前瞻性地对教育优质公司进行跟踪投资。


  • 欧洲课程设置和数据管理市场报告(2016-2020年)
    In the educational institutions in Europe, media is being integrated with education to enhance and support collaborative learning, and they are also using tools such as flipcharts and interactive data. These incorporations and developments are the major factors fueling the demand for education hardware and software. Digital video systems have revolutionized traditional modes of teaching. Educational institutions, especially in Eastern European countries, are focusing on using collaborative learning methods in classrooms. This demand for advanced teaching methods will increase the penetration of education technology in the region.
  • 中国学前班或幼儿市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Child care or daycare centers are provided to children aged 0-6. These centers are formal structures that provide preschool education, discipline, and child development services. The child care centers are equipped with special learning and playing facilities for children. These facilities provide games that are appropriate for children of a given age. In these centers, children are engaged with various kinds of activities such as singing and painting. The staff in the child care centers offer individual attention to children to help them in their emotional and physical growth. The majority of the learning and character building in a child is developed during kindergarten and preschool stages. According to the statistics, parents and books are the major influencers for kid. Over 30% of the education is learnt from parents.


  • TalkingData-2015年移动教育应用行业报告
  • 教育行业:日增月盛,聚焦龙头-新三板2016年中报总结
    截止到 2016 年9 月1 日,新三板教育行业158 家公司2016 年中报已披露完毕。我们根据主营业务不同,进行划分归类,主要包括母婴教育1 家,学前教育20 家,教育信息化46 家,K12 教育33 家(其中在线教育15 家),职业教育30 家,教育咨询3 家,高等教育5 家,外语及留学服务5 家,其他类型15 家。
  • 大学生就业分析报告
    “云工作” 不是局限在传统雇佣关系中的工作,而是概念更为宽广的“人和工作岗位的接触”,不论是在现实的工作场所,还是在云端。
  • 教育行业:供需两旺,政策松绑,有望迎来甜蜜时光

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