(报告加工时间:2017-06-05 -- 2017-06-25)


  • 石化汇编-第810期
    从工信部获悉,工业节能与绿色标准化行动计划(2017-2019 年)印发,旨在充分发挥工业节能与绿色标准的规范和引领作用,促进工业企业能效提升和绿色发展。行动计划确定工作目标,到 2020 年,在单位产品能耗水耗限额、产品能效水效、节能节水评价、再生资源利用、绿色制造等领域制修订 300 项重点标准,基本建立工业节能与绿色标准体系;强化标准实施监督,完善节能监察、对标达标、阶梯电价政策;加强基础能力建设,组织工业节能管理人员和节能监察人员贯标培训 2000 人次;培育一批节能与绿色标准化支撑机构和评价机构。
  • 石化汇编-第809期


  • 全球油气工业发电机租赁市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The past century has seen the dominance of fossil fuels as the chief source of energy, which sustains the global economic machinery. Among these fuels, the one commodity that has controlled almost all aspects of the energy business is crude oil. Crude oil is defined as a mixture of compounds composed primarily of carbon and hydrogen in varying proportions along with the presence of inorganic compounds such as nitrogen, sulfur, and metals like vanadium and mercury. This crude oil is found in specific rock formations, called reservoirs, in the earth's crust. The depth at which these reservoirs occur can vary significantly. They may vary from pools, which flow up to the surface, to almost 15,000 meters underground. The method that is employed to get to these reservoirs of black gold is drilling through the surface till the pre-defined depth is reached.
  • 客车发动机润滑油售后市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The demand for engine oils with lighter viscosity index has been rising. It is projected that the demand for lighter viscosity index will further rise in all the regions.The rise in the number of parc vehicles, increase in the average miles driven due to improved road infrastructure, and growing traffic congestion are leading to high consumption of engine oils, driving the global aftermarket for engine oil in passenger cars.Suppliers of engine oils are experimenting with adding different additivities in different composition and proportion to cater to the growing demand for fuel economy benefits, durability, and to reduce carbon emission.Synthetic engine oils are widely accepted as standard engine oil by OEMs due to their environmental benefits as well as technical benefits over conventional mineral engine oils. When suppliers start producing low-cost production techniques of synthetic engine oil, the synthetic engine oil market will replace the semi-synthetic and mineral engine oil market.The aftermarket is predominantly occupied by the full-size segment since the Americas constitute 60.34% of the total market with full-size vehicles (such as mini trucks and SUVs) and these vehicles consume more engine oil than other vehicles.The global aftermarket for engine oil in passenger cars in the full-size segment accounted for 40% of the total market in 2015, whereas the compact segment accounted for 26% and the mid-size segment accounted for 34% of the total market.
  • 全球高压油气分离机市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The past century has seen the dominance of fossil fuels as the chief source of energy for the sustenance of the global economic machinery. Among these fuels, crude oil is one commodity that has controlled almost all the aspects of the energy business. It is defined as a mixture of compounds composed of carbon and hydrogen in varying proportion with the presence of inorganic compounds such as nitrogen and sulfur and metals like vanadium and mercury. The crude oil is found in specific rock formations called reservoirs in the earth's crust. The depth at which these reservoirs occur can vary significantly from pools that flow up to the surface to almost 15,000 meters underground. The method is employed to get to these reservoirs of black gold through drilling the surface until we reach the pre-defined depth.



  • 烷基化油生产技术及市场前景分析
  • 邻二甲苯生产消费现状及市场分析
  • 我国石化工业优化发展趋势
  • 2月国内成品油市场扫描与展望

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