(报告加工时间:2023-05-29 -- 2023-06-12)



  • 非洲基础设施部门报告(2023-2024年)
    Africa's infrastructure lag is best illustrated by statistics. The continent has the lowest electricity consumption per capita, at around 370 kWh a year, according to data from the International Energy Agency (IEA). By comparison, in Europe the average consumption is over 17 times higher (6,500 kWh) and in the United States, almost 30 times higher (11,000 kWh). Nearly 600mn Africans have no access to electricity at all. The same applies to other types of infrastructure. According to the latest edition of the Global Competitiveness Index by the World Economic Forum (2019), just four out of 54 countries in Africa are above the world average level in terms of overall infrastructure quality – namely Egypt, Morocco, Mauritius and South Africa. Of the ten countries at the bottom of the Competitiveness Index, seven are African.
  • 东盟基础设施部门报告(2023-2024年)
    ASEAN member states face a new stage of transformation as they recover from the widespread effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Where the coronavirus disease brought economic contractions in 2020 for Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand, these countries experienced a revival in 2021. The Indonesian economy contracted 2% y/y in 2020 but grew by 3.7% y/y in 2021. Malaysia saw a 5.5% y/y economic decline in 2020 yet grew 3.1% y/y the following year. A 9.3% y/y decline in GDP in the Philippines in 2020 was followed in 2021 by 5.8% y/y growth. Singapore experienced a 4.1% y/y contraction in its economy during the first year of the pandemic and in 2021 its economy grew by 7.9% y/y. Thailand saw a 6.2% y/y economic contraction in 2020 and experienced the beginnings of a revival with 1.5% y/y GDP growth in 2021.


  • 玻纤行业:玻纤新应用,大道宽又阔-光伏边框篇-专题报告
    边框是光伏组件的重要辅材之一,其中铝边框市占率达96%,其他材质应用于少数特定场景。近期玻纤复合材料用于光伏边框,有了实质进展。如果能够部分替代铝型材(在光伏边框领域),对玻纤行业是一件大事,按照我们的假设,10%渗透率对应新增需求18.9万吨,拉动2.8%新增需求,25%渗透率对应6.9%新增需求。新应用+传统需求复苏,2024 年玻纤行业供需关系的预期,有望“反转”。
  • 建筑建材行业:国家水网建设规划纲要印发,水利重大工程建设有望提速
    光伏玻璃产能扩张节奏有望放缓,纯碱价格下滑改善盈利。根据工信部、发改委关于进一步做好光伏压延玻璃产能风险预警的有关通知,重庆市梳理全市光伏压延玻璃项目情况,结合听证意见,对建成和在建项目生产线进行了认真研究,并形成了风险预警信息初步处理意见,重庆市要求武骏光能1900 吨/日项目在冷修期间补充完成产能置换手续,和友光能1900 吨/日项目建议风险预警为低风险。浙江省要求福莱特2400 吨/日项目冷修复产前完成产能置换手续,旗滨集团4800 吨/日项目开展风险预警。风险预警机制的执行,将对光伏玻璃在建及拟建项目的投产节奏形成一定约束,光伏玻璃供给端压力有望边际放缓。成本端来看,截至2023/5/26,重质纯碱全国主流价为2131.25 元/吨,同比下降28.72%,环比上月下降27.75%;纯碱价格降幅明显,光伏及浮法玻璃企业盈利有望改善。
  • 建筑工程行业:中国特色估值体系下,建筑央企估值有望提升-中国特色估值体系视角专题报告
  • 基建怎么了_-宏观研究
  • 建筑材料行业:23Q1基金和陆股通均减配建材,基金减仓新材料-深度分析
    23Q1 基金持仓建材行业分析:配置比例下降,减仓新材料。根据2023年基金一季报数据,23Q1 基金对于建材行业配置比例1.45%,环比下降0.30pct(主要来自新材料板块下降0.26pct,其余板块变动不大),超配0.03%,接近标配水平。

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