(报告加工时间:2017-04-05 -- 2017-04-16)


  • 全球数字教育内容市场报告(2016-2020年)
    In the current competitive market landscape, it has become important for educational institutions to improve the quality of education that is delivered so that it can attract students globally. To achieve this, student knowledge enrichment and adoption of elearning are being advocated. This is leading to a reduction in student dropout rates. Elearning has helped the various educational institutions to follow global standards and remain up to date with the latest advances in technology in the education sector. Educational institutions are increasingly adopting e-learning solutions for the overall development of students while equipping them with the knowledge and skills suitable for employment.
  • 全球企业培训市场报告(2016-2020年)
    In the past two decades, globalization (and technological advances) has changed the dynamics of the education market and the corporate training market. The emergence of new types of personal computing devices - coupled with the introduction of technologies (such as gamification, apps, and social networks) - has upgraded learning and development opportunities for employees significantly.
  • 全球教育游戏化市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Gamification is the process of implementing game mechanics into non-gaming contexts to drive user engagement and to enhance problem-solving. Points, badges, leaderboards, challenges, and rewards are some examples of game mechanics. Gamification does not create real games but uses game techniques to engage students in comprehensive learning mechanisms.
  • 全球企业M-学习市场报告(2016-2020年)
    In the past two decades, globalization combined with technological advances has changed the dynamics of the education and corporate training markets worldwide. The emergence of new types of personal computing devices coupled with technologies such as gamification, apps, and social networks has enhanced the learning and development opportunities for employees significantly.
  • 全球软技能培训市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The growing need for skill development is driving the global soft skills training market. As companies worldwide are expanding their businesses, they are facing global and regional competition. The surge in the competition levels has led educational institutions and companies to adopt training programs for students and employees. As learning models evolve and learners' diversity increase, a growing number of educational institutions are allotting more time and resources toward enhancing the soft skills of students.In the corporate segment, soft skills are an integral part of non-technical training expenditure. However, one of the challenges that the companies face while providing soft skills training is the need for simultaneous teaching to a large learner base. Soft skills training requires face-to-face interaction; therefore, these trainings were restricted to selective employees within the middle and senior management ofan organization. However, the evolution of technology solutions such as virtual learning platforms and learning management systems (LMS) has enabled companies to overcome this challenge and train a larger section of the workforce with the available limited time and resources.
  • 全球深度学习系统市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Deep learning is the subset of machine learning and a method of training a system by itself. Machine learning is a software or technique that improves the performance of the system over time when determined against a specified task. It stems from artificial neural networks (ANNs). A neural network is a massively parallel distributed mainframe made up of simple processing units and has a natural tendency for storing observed knowledge and making it available to the user. The following diagram shows the subsets AI to provide a clear picture of the relationship between deep learning and machine learning.


  • 教育行业:周报第八期:教育公平是什么?怎么做?集团化办学、学区化管理趋势值得关注
    教育公平是什么?怎么做? 2017 年的《政府工作报告》中重点提出,要办 好公平优质教育。 针对‚什么是教育公平‛,我们认为是一个非常值得讨论 的问题。我们认为,从操作思路上,教育公平指教育资源的公平和教育筛选 的公平,①若从教育资源公平的角度出发,那么大体方向将是进行教育弱侧 的扶持,旨在让教育资源较弱的学校&地区,能够通过财政政策&招生政策 等方式加强教育相关资源的补充。②若从教育筛选公平的教育出发,那则应 该注重各方面筛选没有倾斜,一视同仁。③我们认为,在当前的情况下,应 在兼顾筛选公平的情况下,尽可能的加强资源公平,包括扶持教育弱侧,大 力推动教育信息化等方式,而从观念上,是要淡化‚教育的优与劣‛。
  • 教育行业:松发股份入股三板明师教育
    新三板教育行业挂牌、定增和交易回顾。(1)概览:目前新三板教育板块 共有 235 家公司,创新层和基础层各有 19 家和 198 家,做市转让板块和 协议转让板块各有 34 家和 183 家,待挂牌 18 家。中信证券研究部已覆盖 24 家公司。 (2)挂牌:上周(2017 年 3 月 27 日-3 月 31 日)新增挂牌教 育公司 1 家,即卓教国际(871255.OC) 。 (3)交易:做市板块共有 7 只股 票上涨,绿网天下、世纪明德分别上涨 15%和 5%。成交额最高的前三位 分别为亿童文教(1,973 万元)、新道科技(937 万元)和赢鼎教育(520 万元)。协议板块成交额最高的是分豆教育(2,151 万元) 。有 7 家公司上 涨,聚智未来上涨 700%。创新层板块共有 7 只股票上涨,基础层板块共 有 7 只股票上涨。

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