(报告加工时间:2017-07-24 -- 2017-08-13)


  • 中经网行业月度报告-建筑201706
    2017年6月,建筑业景气度升至年内高点,新订单指数为55.4%,高于上月1.3个百分点,市场需求较强。2017年1~6 月,前期快速增长的新签合同额奠定良好基础,建筑业完成总产值85871 亿元,同比增长10.9%。近期多城市出台加大供地新政,土地供应增加将对房屋建筑市场形成提振。


  • 全球陶瓷涂料市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Ceramic coating for thermal spray technology is used to provide thermal barrier protection in the form of coatings to various industrial components. Ceramic coating is used to prevent the wear and tear of components due to corrosion and erosion from extreme temperatures. It is applied by spraying molten coating particles onto a heated workpiece. Alumina, chromia, titania, and zirconia are the main materials used in ceramic coatings thermal spray technology. The technology can be applied using various processes, including flame spray, spray fusing, wire arc, plasma spray, and high-velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF). The technology is extensively used in various industrial and commercial sectors, including the automotive, aerospace and defense, energy generation, healthcare, and others. The different techniques of thermal sprays are the following.


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