(报告加工时间:2021-10-18 -- 2021-10-31)



  • 全球航空业预测性维护增长机会
    Need for Flexible and Reliable Digital Technology: Customers seek higher value propositions from cost-effective, data-driven products and services. Advanced technologies, such as the IIoT and AR/VR, enhance firms’ utilization of meaningful data, minimize aircraft downtime, extend equipment life, and decrease operating costs.
  • 全球共享单车市场机会分析和行业预测(2020-2027年)
    Bike sharing is referred to a bike rental service for short to medium distance commuting for a price or free. It is available at on-street docked or dock-less stations, which allow commuter to borrow a bike and return it at another same station. Most large-scale urban bike sharing programs have numerous bike check-out stations, and operate much like public transit systems, catering to tourists and visitors as well as local residents. Bike sharing systems have also been cited as a way to solve the last mile problem of public transit networks. These services are an innovative solution to the urban mobility challenges and are an effective way of promoting urban cycling and contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly mobility.
  • 全球两轮车展望2021年
    The study assesses the global two-wheeler (2W) industry. It not only presents a holistic view of all regions in the world, but also focuses on key countries that dominate the global industry, such as India, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand. This research service offers insights into the production, sales, and OEM strategies. This study outlines future growth opportunities in key technology areas, such as connected services, advanced rider assistant technologies, shared mobility services, and electric vehicle strategies. It also provides a sales forecast until 2025 and a forecast discussion for each country.


  • 科技制造行业:主要指数微涨,新能源和航天军工板块再次发力
    10 月25 日上证指数上涨0.76%,沪深300 上涨0.4%,创业板综上涨1.60%,中证1000 上涨1.26%。Wind 11 个一级行业分类中,工业、信息技术和电信服务指数分别实现2.00%、0.71%和0.65%的涨跌幅。
  • 军工行业:军工强势周期演绎中,布局龙头恰逢其时
    军工板块进入价值投资新时代,长期投资价值凸显。我们认为,在目前国际环境下,军工产品需求处于爆发 的初期,优质企业业绩增长潜力巨大, 军工板块投资进入价值投资新时代。虽然基于历史惯性,军工板块仍具备较高 的β属性,排除短期的波动扰动,行业长期投资价值凸显。
  • 军工行业:行业刚需趋势确立,业绩向好有望持续
  • 国防军工行业:强化基本面研究,把握结构性机会-兴证军工观察
    台海方向保持高压态势有望常态化。国防部新闻发言人谭克非就美国防部涉台负面言论 答记者问:祖国完全统一的历史任务一定要实现,也一定能够实现。中国人民解放军将 保持全时待战、随时能战的高度戒备状态,坚决挫败一切外部势力干涉和“台独”分裂 行径,坚决捍卫国家主权和领土完整。展望未来5-10 年,百年未有之大变局叠加台海 形势将进一步强化军工行业高速增长需求。

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