(报告加工时间:2021-06-28 -- 2021-07-04)


  • 2021年中国银发经济洞察报告
  • 利润率三季度将改善,订单存在提前释放-浙江制造业调研总结
    本轮原材料价格上涨对制造业企业的冲击比较明显,对企 业毛利率压缩的幅度大概有 7 到 10 个百分点。目前企业订单很饱满,一方面是积压的订单比较多,一方 面目前新增的订单还是比较稳定。信用环境较宽裕。企业端去年有盈利、现金流改善,订单 等方面情况较好,银行端给企业放贷的意愿较强。
  • 2019年“直播+带货”研究报告
  • 京津冀区域性金融风险研究
  • 北京产业结构调整与未来产业发展趋势分析
  • 区域经济一体化助推广东重塑招商引资新战略


  • 全球家庭保险市场机会分析和行业预测(2020-2027年)
    Home insurance is a kind of property insurance, that provides financial protection to an individual against all the losses and damages happened to the residence. It is sometimes referred as homeowner’s insurance, household insurance, or private property insurance. Home insurance is a package policy, which covers not only damages to the property but also the liability, or legal responsibility for any injuries and property damage by policyholders. This includes damages caused by household pets, fire, theft, and vandalism. However, there are some natural disasters that are not covered under standard home insurance policy. These include flood, earthquakes, and poor home maintenance.
  • 全球BFSI证券市场机会分析和行业预测(2020-2027年)
    The BFSI sector includes banking, financial services, and insurance firms, which are operated in highly regulated & secured business environment. In addition, increase in need of BFSI security, owing to data breach incidences and other security issues across various operational standards also propels the market growth. Moreover, BFSI security solution & services ensure long term visibility of finances, with both cyber security & physical security of banking, financial institutions. This report features information on BFSI security solutions offered by key vendors. Furthermore, it highlights strategies of key players to improve the market share and sustain competition.
  • 全球宠物保险市场趋势&预测2026
    The Pet Insurance Market is growing and hold a strong demand across globe. Due to the continuous Investment by key players and growing need because of the increasing effectiveness towards high cost of the treatment over the past decade will foster the market in coming years. Market has observed considerable growth in recent years owing to the rise in awareness, increase in number of pet suffering from illness, diseases and higher reimbursement.
  • 全球航空航天人工智能市场报告(2021-2028年)
    Use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and context awareness computing improves efficiency of several activities that fall under the aerospace domain such as flight operations, better customer service, predictive aircraft maintenance, and manufacturing of aircraft components. The aerospace industry is in its initial phase of adoption of AI. The aerospace sector is witnessing increase in number of applications and more disruptive AI models are expected to be developed over years. Artificial intelligence is anticipated to play an important role in minimizing design process duration, prototyping, manufacturing, cutting costs, and is projected to result in numerous enhancements in the aerospace industry in the future.
  • 全球算法交易市场报告(2021-2028年)
    Algorithmic trading is a form of automation, which uses computer program to execute a defined set of instructions or rules that include the buying or selling of an asset in regards to the varying market data. The defined sets of instructions or rules are based on timing, quantity, price, or any mathematical model. It offers several benefits to market participants such as it executes trades at the best possible prices; simultaneous automated checks on multiple market conditions; trades timed correctly and instantly; and reduced transaction costs due to lack of human intervention. For the purpose of analysis, the report segments the global algorithmic trading market on the basis of component, type, deployment mode, type of traders, and region. This report features information on algorithmic trading solutions and services offered by key vendors.
  • 美联储的抉择:加息减速,缩减加速-美联储观察系列一
    近期美债、美股等资产价格的走势分化,我们认为主要源于拜登政府 财政刺激计划不断缩水,所引发的市场对经济预期的修正。经济预期的变化,不 仅引起了市场的预期修正,同时也在通胀高企的环境中左右着美联储的抉择。我 们认为,考虑到通胀预期的持续走高及美元流动性的过度充裕,美联储大概率将 会加快缩减购债的节奏;但考虑到美国不断缩减的财政刺激计划,以及为了减弱 对就业复苏及政府债务负担的影响,美联储未来将会减缓加息节奏。
  • 就业修复仍是触发taper核心条件-6月美联储利率会议点评
    通胀压力面前,美联储对经济复苏和通胀的预期进一步抬升。短期利率技术性上调并不等同于“加息”。偏鹰政策预期,主要来自于利率点阵图变化。会议决议整体符合预期,市场经过调整后反应较为平淡。触发 taper 的关键条件仍未实现,预计时点仍在年底。
  • 全球固定后终端市场展望和预测(2021−2026年)
    Historically, POS terminals found significance in the late 18th century. Ubiquitous was one of the first companies to introduce POS systems in the form of cash registers. The NCR Corporation was primarily responsible for developing the initial mechanical cash register, which was eventually taken up by every business. Since then, the POS system has evolved in terms of technology that helps in the automation of a business’s retail operations like reporting, inventory, transactions from one single platform.
  • 全球活动行业机会分析和行业预测(2021-2028年)
    The global events industry is analyzed on the basis of its prospect and future growth rate. The report highlights numerous factors that influence the growth of the global events industry. These include market forecast, drivers, restraints, opportunities, and role of different key players operating in the market. The report is analyzed on the basis of various segments, including type, revenue source, organizer, and age group. Furthermore, it includes the revenue generated from the events held across North America, Europe, Asia- Pacific, and LAMEA.
  • 全球免税酒市场机会分析和行业预测(2021-2027年)
    The report covers the detailed analysis of the trends, future estimations, and a thorough study of the global market based on type, channel, and region. It analyses government regulations, and policies, to provide information on the current market trends in different regions and suggests the future growth opportunities. The report covers the overall net value of different products of duty-free liquor consumed by various consumers across the globe. The study highlights Porter’s five forces analysis to determine the factors affecting the market growth. These factors include raw material prices, intense competition, end users, manufacturers, and suppliers. To understand the market, drivers, restraints, and opportunities are explained in the report.


  • 银行行业:对银行负债成本影响几何?-存款定价机刢调整测算
    亊件:6 月 1 日,存款市场刟率定价自律机刢工作会议在京召开,根据财新报道,会议审议通过优化存款刟率自律管理方案,由现行“基准刟率*倍数”改为“基准刟率+基点”方式。6 月 21日,存款定价方式正式调整。
  • 银行行业:从盛京银行看辽宁省区域风险-深度研究
  • ETF新发份额创3月以来之最,跨境型ETF持续净申购-ETF跟踪第13期
    上周(6 月 14 日-6 月 18 日)ETF 新发 57.28 亿份,6 月 7 日当周新发 25.84 亿份,同比增速 607.25%,环比增速 121.72%。上周(6 月 14 日-6 月 18 日)全市场 ETF 净流入-67.68 亿元,前值净流入-63.37 亿元,去年同期净流入-121.49 亿元,同比 增 44.29%,环比增-6.81%。行业表现来看,6 月以来资金延续流出电子/非银/医药/银行/计算机。
  • 【粤开宏观】政府引导基金:发展历程、运行机制及隐性债务的影响
    导读:随着防风险成为“三大攻坚战”之首,中央化解隐性债务风险的决心日益 坚定,作为隐性债务重要来源之一的政府引导基金引起广泛关注。政府引导 基是财政资金使用的重大创新,在促进创新创业、引导产业结构优化升级等 方面发挥着重要的作用,但在实际运行中,存在隐性担保、明股实债等问题 产生了事实上的地方政府隐性债务。什么是政府引导基金?发展历程以及现 状如何?运行机制是怎样的?对地方政府隐性债务有怎样的影响?当前存在 的问题以及未来发展方向?本文借助私募通数据回答以上问题。 

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