(报告加工时间:2020-09-14 -- 2020-10-11)


  • 科技封锁下中国迫切需要保护知识产权
  • 中科院完成“率先行动"计划第一阶段目标
  • 全球并购规模接近2万亿美元 科技行业表现活跃
  • 科技行业:Palantir(PLTR.N),全球领先的大数据平台
    Palantir成立于2003年,起初致力于反恐软件的研发,并于2005年成为美国中情局(CIA) 的软件供应商。2008年,公司针对情报领域的客户发布了首个平台产品Palantir Gotham, 帮助客户进行情报数据的集成、处理和分析,而后Gotham的客群逐步拓展至国防机构,乃 至美国及其盟国的政府机构。公司发现,商业机构在处理数据上面临的威胁与挑战与政府 机构是非常相似的,于是将业务向商业领域拓展。2016年,Palantir Foundry平台发布,与 各个行业的头部公司合作,帮助各公司将自身数据转化为独特的竞争优势。目前, Palantir Foundry不仅是单个机构的核心数据平台,也在逐渐成为各个行业的核心数据平台。
  • 科技行业:关注“星舰和Starlink测试进展-卫星互联网(9_月)
    正如我们在《谁能成为中国的 SpaceX》和《数字经济未来篇:2050 年的社会》 中所指出的那样,我们认为人类在 2030 年前完成载人火星探索任务已经是高概 率事件。在人类追求移民火星的路上,随着火箭运载能力的不断提升、火箭可回 收可复用技术的逐步成熟,通信、导航、遥感、出行等行业都有可能迎来巨变。 过去几个月,商业火箭方面,未来计划用于火星探索的“星舰”(Starship)实现 了第六次试飞,离 2022 年首飞又迈出一步。卫星互联网方面,Starlink 在北美开 始小范围内测,亚马逊的“Kuiper”通信星座获得美国政府批准,科技巨头间低 轨卫星系统的竞争加速,轨道与频率资源越来越“稀缺”。中国企业方面,星际 荣耀、蓝箭航天等相继完成一轮融资,为后续发展奠定了基础。
  • 科技行业:Facebook_Connect,从AR&VR到XR
    北京时间9月17日凌晨,Facebook举办了一年一度的Connect(虚拟现实)展会,作为更 名至Facebook Connect的首届展会,会上发布了新一代的头戴式VR设备Oculus Quest 2、AR眼镜测试版Aria,以及配套的Oculus Link、Oculus Move等功能。


  • 全球采矿钻井服务市场报告(2020-2030年)
    Mining drilling services include drilling work carried out on contract basis for numerous mining customer bases, operating across the wide ranges of commodities such as coal, metals, and others. Various types of mining drilling services are surface drilling, underground coring, and others. Furthermore, the drilling services’ agreements are typically carried out through a tender process. Drilling service providers quote an extensive costing process that guarantees that the projects are well planned and taken into consideration the geography, geology, time-frame, and others. The report focuses on the current trends and future growth opportunities of various types of mining types such as coal, metal, mineral, quarry, and others. Furthermore, the study evaluates the current market trends and suggests future growth opportunities by analyzing government regulations & policies. The report further covers the strategies adopted by the key players to sustain the competitive environment and increase their market share.
  • 全球家居护理服务市场报告(2019-2026年)
    Companies in this industry primarily provide home care services at home. These services include cleaning homes, upholstery, furniture, carpet, and roof. The report analyzes current market trends in different regions and suggests the future growth opportunities. The report covers the overall net value of different home care services used by various households across the globe. The study highlights Porter’s five forces analysis to determine the factors affecting the market growth. These factors include household income, standard of living, and health awareness among consumers. To understand the market, drivers, restraints, and opportunities are explained in the report.
  • 全球生物传感器市场报告(2019-2026年)
    Biosensors are an analytical device that convert a biological response into an electrical signal. This report involves the study of different applications in which these biosensors are mainly used such as point-of-care, home diagnostics, research labs, biodefense, environmental monitoring, and food & beverages industry. In addition, it covers technologies including electrochemical biosensors, optical biosensors, piezoelectric biosensors, thermal biosensors, nanomechanical biosensors, and nanomechanical biosensors. Moreover, this report provides a detailed analysis of the current market trends and future estimations from 2019 to 2026.
  • 全球女性科技 (Femtech)市场分析和预测(2019-2030年)
    According to a WHO report, Helth Employment and Economic Growth: An Evidence Base(2017) women represented 70% of the 43 million global healthcare workforce. Additionally, women also represent a significant share of the informal care givers (taking care of patients at home). However, depite the large number of healthcare professionals being women, females are underrepresnted as decision makers. For instance, according to the World Economic Forum report on gender gap, only 35% of the women hold the leadership roles in the global healthcare industry (2017). Moreover, only 25% of the private organizations and 20% of the government leadership boards follow gender parity (2017). The absence of female decision makers in the venture capital (VC) firms is also evident. For instance, according to a report by International Finance Corporation (IFC), in 2017, only 10% women were decision makers or had a role in decision making in the venture capital firms globally . The lower representation of women in VC firms has led to the low capital flow in the women-led enterprises. For instance, according to the IFC report, the women-led enterprises garnered less than 3% of the total global venture capital in 2018.
  • 全球芯片实验室和微阵列(Biochip)市场-增长,趋势和预测(2020-2025年)
    Microarrays are the most popular form of lab-on-a-chip technology, due to the wide range of differentiation and applications. Increasing use of personal medical devices and the need for immediate results fromdiagnostic tests are the major factors driving the demand formicroarrays in the lab-on-a-chip andmicroarraysmarket. The lab-on-a-chip segment of the market studied is expected to have a positive market growth due to the rise in demand for diagnostics, increasing global population, and technological advancement. Furthermore, the rise in the adoption of personalized medicine and easy accessibility of lab-on-a-chip technology are expected to augment the demand for the same across the world. The technological advances have increased the throughput of device production, improved rapid prototyping efforts, and enabled researchers to enhance the complexity and sophistication of experiments that can be performed on a microfluidic chip. As a result,microfluidic technology has its immense potential for research in life science andmedicine. In the United States, the usage of high-throughput screening (HTS) technologies increased drastically in academic research. With the rising interest in HTS, the lab-on-chip technology is expected to be widely used in the country, due to its applications in high-throughput screening.

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