(报告加工时间:2020-10-12 -- 2020-10-18)




  • 全球Hadoop市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Hadoop is an open source software administered by Apache software foundation. It is a distributed processing technology that can be used in different sectors for big data analysis. It is much cost effective compared to traditional data analysis tools such as Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). Apache Hadoop is a simple, powerful, efficient, and shared platform. However, Hadoop technology deployment provides features such as scalability, which helps in reducing operating cost and use of commodity hardware for reliable distribution. Hadoop-based applications are used by organizations that require real-time analytics from video, email, machine generated data from a multitude of sensors and from external sources such as social media and the internet. Hadoop enables technical experts of organizations to perform several operations which include big data analytics, big data management, and big data storage in a cloud. The Hadoop as a Service (HaaS) platform enables organizations to use Hadoop technology in a highly cost-effective manner, along with ensuring minimal consumption of time. Hadoop is mainly a software framework which is used to manage data and storage for big data applications in clustered systems. It gives users the ability to collect, process, and analyze data. Despite Hadoop being the leader, not all organizations are capable of installing as well as maintaining in-house Hadoop environment. Users do not have to invest in or install additional infrastructure on premises when using the technology, as it is provided and managed by a third-party vendor. Customers using HaaS, do not need to invest in or install additional infrastructure on their premises. This helps them to concentrate on their core businesses.
  • 全球Hadoop即服务市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Hadoop is an open-source software administered by Apache software foundation. It is a distributed processing technology, which can be used in different sectors for Big Data analysis. Hadoop is more cost-effective solution as compared to traditional data analysis tools such as relational database management system (RDBMS). Apache Hadoop is a simple, powerful, efficient, and shared platform. However, Hadoop technology deployment provides features such as scalability, which helps in reducing operating cost and use of commodity hardware for reliable distribution. Hadoop-based applications are used by organizations which require real-time analytics from data such as video, email, machine generated data from a multitude of sensors, and data from external sources such as social media and the internet. Hadoop-as-a-service enables technical experts of organizations to perform several operations, which include big data analytics, Big Data management, and big data storage in a cloud. The HaaS platform enables organizations to use Hadoop technology in a highly cost-effective manner along with ensuring minimal consumption of time. This report features information on Hadoop-as-a-service offered by key vendors. Furthermore, it highlights strategies adopted by key market players to improve their market share and sustain competition.


  • 通信行业:5G产业稳步推进,关注流量+连接成长逻辑-周报
    全球疫情及地缘政治风险下,国内政策驱动5G 建设稳步推进,有望保障云计算和物联网产业持续景气,建议积极关注通信行业“流量”+“连接”的成长逻辑,重点推荐5G 产业相对后周期的亚信科技、5G 大带宽相关的网宿科技、IDC 板块具有较大预期差的科华恒盛、物联网板块盈利能力领先的广和通等。
  • 传媒行业:Q4电商掘金季,积极拥抱行业大趋势投资机会
    上半年电商直播电商大盘回顾:(1)后疫情时代用户线上购物习惯培养,行业景气度不断回升;网上商品和服务零售额同比+9.5%,线上消费渗透率8 月达到25%,各类商品销售额提速,行业趋势向好;(2)直播电商基础设施不断完善,GMV 实现快速增长;快手直播日活用户已突破1.7 亿+,电商日活突破1 亿,8 月总订单量超5 亿单跃居电商第四极,商业变现充分验证;
  • IT硬件与设备行业:苹果iPhone产业链龙头公司有望进入业绩超预期周期
    10 月14 日苹果将发布新一代机型iPhone 12 系列,9 月底下旬已经正式进入大规模量产(MPV),Q4 起iPhone 进入5G 换机周期,开启新一轮景气周期。随着iPhone 定价更加亲民,竞争对手的高端品牌销量下滑,预计在2020年Q4 开始的新一轮换机周期中,iPhone 手机销量将扭转此前三年的下滑重回上升轨道。5G 创新带来的ASP 提升,推动供应链量价齐升;
  • 科技行业:TMT换手率从极低区域回升-全球科技板块周度跟踪
    市场跟踪:市场表现:全球科技在10月初整体反弹;市场情绪与估值:A股TMT行业换手率从极低区域回升。资金跟踪:北向资金:TMT板块在连续四周净流出后,重回净流入;公募基金: 截至2020年9月30日,9月新成立主动型公募基金73支、发行份额1512.26亿,数量月环比增加,规模月环比减少但连续4个月超过千亿;重要股东减持:市场整体和TMT板块有所回升
  • 传媒行业:多头部游戏与安卓渠道重谈分成,内容为王渐成鼎沸之势,继续推荐游戏板块
    近日小米游戏中心和华为游戏中心相继发布官方公告,表示将无法在《原神》、《万国觉醒》正式公测时提供下载服务,经过测试 Oppo 、Vivo 等主要安卓渠道也无法下载;而官网、应用宝、 TapTap 等渠道仍可以下载官方包。
  • 通信行业:虚拟电厂“十四五”提速,资源聚合商将优先受益
    虚拟电厂(VPP, Visual Power Plant)指通过先进信息通信技术和软件系统,实现分布式电源、储能系统、可控负荷、电动汽车等DER 的聚合和协调优化。
  • 互联网行业:阿里巴巴召开2020年投资者日大会,我们预计内需、云计算大数据和全球化三大引擎将成为未来 5 年增长主要驱动力
    阿里巴巴于 2020年9月 28至 30 日召开投资者日大会,各主要业务板块(天猫淘宝、B2B 业务、天猫进口、Lazada、 菜鸟物流、数字文娱、盒马鲜生、本地生活服务、菜鸟、阿里云)的管理层在投资者日分享了业务进展及未来展望。 与历年投资者日相比,本次投资者日的主要重点集中在:淘系用户价值提升、供给侧数字改革、支付宝从数字支付 出口升级为数字生活入口、阿里生态的全球化推进、企业上云以及阿里商业操作系统。
  • 通信行业:吹响核心资产独立上市集结号-紫光集团系列报告之一200921
    2020 年9 月17 日,中证网报道,为统筹推进紫光集团旗下公司和资产拆分上市事宜,紫光集团已成立资产上市工作推进部,并任命刘旭黎为紫光集团高级副总裁兼资产上市工作推进部总经理。据中证网报道,除已启动科创板上市的紫光展锐外,紫光集团旗下紫光联盛、西安紫光国芯、紫光华智等未来有望分拆上市。紫光集团是国内芯片/云计算龙头。紫光集团上半年资产负债率有效降低,并加速打造科技产业上市公司集群。建议关注紫光集团旗下上市公司紫光股份、紫光国微,以及未来可能上市的紫光展锐、紫光联盛、西安紫光国芯、紫光华智、长江存储等。
  • 通信行业:中国移动公告4G主设备集采结果,头部供应商包揽绝大份额-周报
    上周市场回顾:上周,沪深300 上涨2.18%,上证综指上涨2.43%,深证成指上涨2.23%,创业板指上涨2.29% ,中小板指上涨2.35%,通信行业上涨2.33%。
  • 通信行业:年度5G建设继续推进,继续关注高景气度板块-周报
    长期看好 5G 下游应用,重点推荐 IDC 板块、光模块板块及物联网板块等高确定性子版块,建议关注 IDC 机房制冷龙头企业、5G 短消息、物联网下游模组应用、通信军工业务等近期热点子版块。
  • 通信行业:三季度业绩前瞻
    投资建议:三季度,预计5G 基站上游等部分细分市场增速有所放缓,设备、物联网、统一通信、终端泛射频等环比增长趋势明显,IDC 服务与制冷、交换机等云计算细分产业链需求仍强劲,环比增长趋势延续;近期板块调整幅度较大,行业进入三季报预期发酵期,短期建议关注三季报超预期个股,重点推荐亿联网络、移远通信、乐鑫科技、新易盛、中际旭创、信维通信、数据港。
  • 区块链行业:欧盟拟就加密资产立法,美国稳定币和数字资产监管趋于积极-周报
    上周行情回顾:Chainext CSI 100 下跌1.28%,细分板块中基础增强表现最优。从细分板块来看,文娱社交、商业金融、基础增强、纯币类优于Chainext CSI 100 平均水平,为5.07%、1.63%、5.77%、-1.18%;支付交易、物联网&溯源、基础链、存储&计算、AI 表现逊于Chainext CSI 100平均水平,为-1.41%、-11.59%、-2.85%、-6.17%、-3.14%。

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