(报告加工时间:2024-03-26 -- 2024-04-06)



  • 钙钛矿电池产业化发展研究报告
    钙钛矿电池成本低、效率天花板高,有望成为主流太阳能电池技术。钙钛矿太阳能电池是利用钙钛矿结构材料作为吸光材料的太阳能电池,具有高能量转化效率、价格低、重量轻、柔性大等特性。当前晶硅电池效率已经逐步接近理论效率极限 29.4%,而钙钛矿单结电池的肖克利-奎伊瑟(S-Q)理论效率极限为 33.7%,全钙钛矿叠层电池理论效率可达 44%,截至 2023 年底,晶硅-钙钛矿叠层电池实验室效率已达 33.9%(隆基数据)。


  • 全球专业照明市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Professional lighting refers to the application of lighting techniques and fixtures to create optimal lighting conditions in various commercial and industrial spaces, including offices, retail stores, hospitality venues, healthcare facilities, sports arenas, and outdoor environments. It is designed to meet specific requirements, such as enhancing visibility, creating ambiance, highlighting architectural features, or promoting productivity and well-being. It incorporates lighting, control systems, and advanced technologies to provide efficient and customizable lighting solutions.
  • 全球泳池热泵市场报告(2023-2028年)
    The global pool equipment industry is witnessing a rapid shift with respect to technological advances, energy efficiency, environmental impact, and customization features. Pool heat pumps have emerged as more favorable and preferred options for space heating due to their unique advantages over conventional fuels and boilers.
  • 全球风力发电机退役服务市场报告(2024-2028年)
    The rise in the aging wind farms and regulations supporting wind decommissioning services are likely to boost the global wind turbine decommissioning services market during the forecast period. During the course of the wind project, the wind turbine components may be retrofitted with upgraded ones to extend the lifetime of the project. However, when the wind turbines reach the end of their useful lives, the components and the wind farm need to be decommissioned. Wind turbine decommissioning consists of a series of steps to close a wind power plant facility at the end of its lifetime. The major processes involved in wind turbine decommissioning include dismantling, waste transportation, and site treatment and reuse.


  • 光伏胶膜,行业盈利见底,“进入易经营难构筑壁垒
    光伏产业链价格触底,需求复苏强劲。2023 年,中国光伏产业经历了显著的价格调整,从上游的硅料、硅片到下游的电池片和组件,各类光伏产品的价格相较于年初水平均出现了明显的下滑,目前价格已接近底部,行业正处于去库周期。2024 年 3 月组件全球排产 55.95GW,环比+51%,需求端超预期。2024 年预计全球光伏装机 491.8GW,同比增长近 20%;其中,预计中国新增光伏装机 230GW。
  • 核电行业专题报告(二):可控核聚变曙光将近,产业链加速发展
    可控核聚变是人类终极清洁能源,发展前景广阔。核聚变是几个较轻的原子核结合成一个较重的原子核, 实现将质量转化为能量的过程,一般是氘、氚反应。核聚变的原料氘在海水中储量极其丰富,资源约束问题将大大缓解;聚变安全可靠,其发生条件的严苛使得其不易发生安全事故;聚变也不存在污染,氘氚聚变产物氦不存在放射性。我们认为,可控和自持将是可控聚变技术的研发方向,可控的难点在于等离子体的长时间约束和净能量增益;自持的难点在于氚材料的增殖。
  • 新能源发展新机遇,消纳效率定乾坤——新型电力系统系列之七
    据新华社报导,近日,中共中央政治局就新能源技术与我国的能源安全进行第十二次集体学习,要求“提高电网对清洁能源的接纳、配置和调控能力”。我们认为,中央高度重视新能源发展,2024 年我国能源转型仍将继续加快。消纳现状估计:我国电力系统调峰能力暂未耗尽,新能源新增装机具备阶段性上行空间。我们估算,当前我国电力系统仍有约 150GW 调节能力,若 2024 年及之后保持 2023 年新增新能源装机规模,则 3-5 年消化存量调节能力;若要求 2024 年及之后新增新能源装机保持 20%-30% 增长,则不超过 2 年就会消化存量调节能力。

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